
Direct - load - apk is a very powerful plugin framework, through the use of it, you can achieve incredible function -----load directly from a basic apk!

Primary LanguageJava


enter image description here Description

Direct - load - apk is a very powerful plugin framework, through the use of it, you can achieve incredible function ----- load directly from a basic apk!


  • Direct - load - apk can load a apk all Resources.
  • Support to jump between the plugin Activity.
  • Don't like "dynamic load - apk" , "Direct - load - apk" do not need to inherit the custom Activity, and can directly use this pointer.


Direct - load - apk is very convenient to use .You can write to start an APK likes this:


Tip: Don't forget to write com.lody.plugin.LActivityProxy in AndroidManifest.xml.

The development Progress and TODO

  • Service support in the near.
  • Run the apk which is included the file of ".so" in the near.
  • Support Plug-in security isolation system In the future.


 Lody, from China, who is An ideal are ambitious young man.

If you have any question , please send Email to here: 382816028@qq.com , You can also Contact me through QQ:382816028.

##QQ GROUP: ###362901808

####中文版 描述

Direct - load - apk 是一个强大的插件化框架, 通过使用它, 你可以实现看似不可能实现的功能 ----- 直接加载一个普通apk!


  • Direct - load - apk 能够加载插件的全部 资源.
  • 支持 插件间 Activity跳转.
  • 不像 "dynamic load - apk" 这个项目, "Direct - load - apk" 不需要对插件有任何约束,也不需要在插件中引入jar和继承自定义Activity,可以直接使用this指针。


Direct - load - apk 的使用相当方便,可以像这样写:


提示: 不要忘了在 AndroidManifest.xml 加入 com.lody.plugin.LActivityProxy .

开发 进度未来将要做的

  • 即将支持Service.
  • 即将支持运行带有.so的apk.
  • 提供完整的插件异常处理机制.


 Lody, 一个富有开源精神和创造力的Android开发者。

如果你有任何问题 , 可以发送 Email382816028@qq.com , 也可以联系我的 QQ :382816028.

##QQ 群: ###362901808 ##GitHub:
