
Masonry-like Polymer Element with sortable tiles that packs efficiently without changing HTML structure (changes CSS only).

Primary LanguageJavaScript

<juicy-tile-list> Bower Version

<juicy-tile-list> is masonry-like Polymer Element for sortable tiles that packs efficiently without changing HTML structure (changes CSS only).


It gives you:

  • masonry-like, gap-less layout (bin-packing),
  • prioritizing items,
  • grouping into virtual, nested containers,
  • alignment in different orientations/directions,
  • dynamically changing size,
  • auto adjusting container sizes,
  • gap/gutter/cell-spacing between tiles,
  • adapting to window size changes.


Check it live!


  1. Install the component using Bower:

    $ bower install juicy-tile-list --save
  2. Import Web Components' polyfill:

    <script src="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/polymer/0.3.0/platform.js"></script>
    <script src="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/polymer/0.3.0/polymer.js"></script>
  3. Import Custom Element:

    <link rel="import" href="../juicy-tile-list/dist/juicy-tile-list.html">
  4. Start using it!



Attribute Options Default Description
setup Object Tiles setup
setup.gap Number 0 Gap/cell-spacing size in px
setup.direction String rightDown How to align our package (horizontal layers rightDown, or vertiaval layers: downRight)
setup.items Array [] Tiles setup
setup.items[?].priority Number (0-1) 0 Importance of tile, used for sorting elements.
setup.items[?].width Number 1 Tile width (number of columns)
setup.items[?].heigh Number 1 Tile height (number of rows)
setup.items[?].index Number DOM ChildElement index (not needed for virtual containers)
setup.items[?].name String Group name (for virtual containers)
setup.items[?].innerHTML String Inner HTML for (for virtual containers)
setup.items[?].oversize Number 0 Make container's box & background bleed for this amount of pixels out of packed box. So, render box bigger, but pack with its original size (for virtual containers)
setup.items[?].items Array(Items) Recursive setup (for virtual containers)
setup.items[?].gap Number 0 Recursive setup (for virtual containers)
setup.items[?].direction String Recursive setup (for virtual containers)


Name Options Description
elements Array Array of children which are going to be arranged.
setup Object Up to date tiles setup. Structure as in attributes.
items Object Map of setup nodes. Ones reflecting real DOM elements are indexed with 0-n as in HTML, virtual containers are mapped with names. Root container is available under items['root'].
items[.].container Object Reference to container item. (non-enumerable property)


Name Param name Type Default Description
resizeItem Resize any item (real element or virtual container)
               | item       | *Item*, *Number* or *String* |         | Item, item index or item name.
               | width      | *Number*           | `0`     | new width
               | height     | *Number*           | `0`     | new height

reprioritizeItem | | | | Change priority/weight of any item | item | Item, Number or String | | Item, item index or item name. | increase | Boolean | false | true - increases, false decreases priority | end | Boolean | false | true to move to the end of list moveToContainer | | | | Move any item to given container, or wrap it with new one | what | Item, Number or String | | Item, item index or item name. | where | String or Item | | Reference to, or name of destination container. If name given in string is not found in existing containers list, new one will be created and wrapped around given item. | noPacking | Boolean | false | true to prevent re-packing after setup change. createNewContainer| | | | Create new empty virtual container. | name | String | | Name for the container | where | String or Item | "root"| Container name or item | rectangle | Rectangle | | Rectangle setup (width, height, priority) | noPacking | Boolean | false | true to prevent re-packing after setup change. deleteContainer | | | | Delete virtual container, move items (if any) to one above. | what | Item or String | | Reference to, or name of the container to delete. | noPacking | Boolean | false | true to prevent re-packing after setup change.


Name Data Description
juicy-tile-list-refresh - Triggered once layout is refreshed

Related components


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -m 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :D



  • better separation of DOM vs packing,
  • oversizing containers,
  • innerHTML property for virtual containers,
  • better heightAuto, widthAuto behavior,
  • auto same to storage removed,
  • update to Polymer 0.3.0,
  • containers stretching behavior in case of overflow,
  • rename to juicy-tile-list,
  • juicy-tile-editor, and juicy-highlight separated to its own repos,
  • tons of fixes, tests, and minor changes.


  • Virtual grouping,
  • advanced editor features,
  • gaps



MIT License