
Open Broadcaster Infrastructure status events EAS NAAD NOAA

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Show NAAD and NOAA public alerts on a map

Mapping works as a standalone application and follows the Open Broadcaster module framework to allow integration into the observer Platform.

The National Alert Aggregation & Dissemination (NAAD) GeoRSS feed provides realtime Active Public Safety Messages (CAP-CP) alerts issued by Authorized Government Agencies for Canada (see tech info for specs). The feed may be found at http://rss.naad-adna.pelmorex.com/.
Conversion of the GeoRSS feed into geoJSON makes use of Andrew Harvey's excellent prototype

The National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) provides a WMS map service shows where a warning of hazardous weather or hydrologic event is occurring, imminent or likely.

 Mapping{: .Mapping}


Clone git repo for Mapping module into the webroot/modules/device_map directory: "git clone https://github.com/openbroadcaster/mapping.git device_map"

You may need to change ownership of all files to be readable by the web-user: "chown web-user:web-user device_map/ -R"

Install required PERL modules (as root): perl -MCPAN -e shell 'install XML::Simple XML::Twig JSON'

Change to includes drectory: "cd device_map/includes/"

Run shell script: './convert_emerg_feed.sh' to seed alerts file.

Edit main js/layout.js at line 188: following 'layout.set_main_size();' "ModuleDevicemap.init_map();"

Add a CRON job to run conversion script. For example, to run every 15 minutes: */15 * * * * cd /var/www/html/OpenBC/modules/device_map/includes && ./convert_emerg_feed.pl

Install the module from the admin/module menu in server to create a menu item.


Leafletjs javascript library.
Leaflet-Realtime plugin for adding map layers for live tracking of GPS, sensor data, etc.