Utopia Search Service

This microservice will be used by our main APIs to handle searching.

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  1. Create a .env file in this project's root (copy .env.default into the .env and then add values after the = for each of the keys)


Run npm test NOTE: For debugging errors with SQL queries, please add this code verbose: console.log to the following object ({memory: true}) being passed in as a parameter for new sqliteDatabase() located in searchDao.js, AND all Spec js files in the test directory.


When making a GET call, you can add query parameters. These are all of the parameters you can add.


All of the query parameters are optional (no spaces should be included because they're not a character that is allowed to be included in a URL by the relevant Internet standards.)

  • class: range between 1st class and eco (represented by numbers, 1 meaning first class).
  • seat: give a list of seats that you desire.
  • departureDateAfter: depart on or after the given day.
  • departureDateBefore: all tickets that depart before the given day (not inclusive).
  • arrivalDateAfter: arrive on or after the given day.
  • arrivalDateBefore: all tickets that arrive before the given day (not inclusive).
  • departure_location: list of given depature locations (in IATA airport code format).
  • destination_location: list of desired destinations (in IATA airport code format).

For getting a list of airport details, here are the query parameters, which is not optional (this is only for the get function on the airportDetailsDao DAO)

  • airport : the airport code, which you want the airport details for

For getting a list of flight details, here are the query parameters, which is not optional:

  • flight : the flight number, which you want the flight details for

For getting a list of seats in a flight, here are the query parameter, which is not optional:

  • flight: the flight number, which you want the seat details for (seat and row)


  • You should not have to run npm install --verbose, but if you do you may run into this error with installing better-sqlite3. If so, you may need to run this command npm i better-sqlite3 --save-dev (I am not sure about the dev part)

  • Warning: If your project or this project is facing problems with dependencies, try npm audit fix first please! The reason is because npm audit could have you running code that changes your npm config instead of the local package.json.