Appointment Management System for Clinics

An Appointment Management System for clinics developed with the help of following technologies

  • Codeigniter v3.1.10
  • MySQL
  • Bootstrap v3.3.7
  • jQuery v2.2.4
  • jQuery UI v1.12.1
  • Full Calendar

Current Functionality

Back Office Application

  • Appointment Module:
    CRUD operations for appointment and search appointments by applying date, visit time and MR-Number filters. Note: Doctor name and morning/evening shift time will only appear in the add/edit section of appointment. When a doctor is created in the doctor module and weekly schedule is added in the schedule module.
  • Doctor Module CRUD operations for doctor and search doctors by applying doctor name, specialization and mobile number filters.
    • Doctor Specialization Module Its a sub-module of Doctors Module. It has CRUD operations for doctor specializations. These specializations associate with doctor e.g. John Doe's specialization is General Surgeon.
  • Patient Module CRUD operations for patients and search patients by applying mobile number, father name and MR-Number filter. filters.
  • Schedule Module Add weekly schedule of doctor.
  • Prescription Module It contains prescriptions for patients. PDF of prescription is available for download in this module.
  • Admin Module:
    Add new administrator users for admin panel.
  • Dashboard:
    User can search appointments for specific date by applying time and doctor name filters.

Front Office App

There are two types of patient i.e. A Returning Patient and New Patient. For both patient types fill the information. #####How to schedule an appointment? First, select an appointment date. Then, in the doctor dropdown available doctors at the specific appointment date will appear. After selecting the doctor choose the appointment shift i.e. evening or morning by clicking on the checkbox and select the time.


Doctors and Schedule shift will only appear in the dropdown of front office application. If you add doctors and their associated schedules from the back office application or admin panel.

You have to add weekly schedules for doctor. Please check suggestions in the bottom of this file.

How to Install

Clone the repo with

git clone

Import the DB

ams.sql is the DB file can be find inside the database folder in the root directory of this repo.

Install PHP dependencies via composer

composer install

Setup Virtual Host

Add this entry in your server Virtual Host file. Example: For apache the file is httpd-vhosts.conf

Modify the settings according to your needs.

<VirtualHost *:80>

DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/appointment-management-system"
ErrorLog "logs/"
CustomLog "logs/" common


  • Add ServerName entry in your operating system hosts file. Example:

  • Turn on rewrite_module

Setup Environment

Rename the .env-example file to .env file and modify the variables according to your environment.

Back Office URL

ServerName/a/login Example:



Password: 12345678

Front Office URL

ServerName/f/home Example:


If the doctors schedule is always the same for your clinic. Then, create and once in a week run a cronjob to add weekly schedules of doctor. Otherwise, change the schedule module according to your needs.

Good Luck!