
reqwest_cookie_store provides implementations of reqwest::cookie::CookieStore for cookie_store.


The following example demonstrates loading a cookie_store::CookieStore (re-exported in this crate) from disk, and using it within a CookieStoreMutex. It then makes a series of requests, examining and modifying the contents of the underlying cookie_store::CookieStore in between.

// Load an existing set of cookies, serialized as json
let cookie_store = {
  let file = std::fs::File::open("cookies.json")
  // use re-exported version of `CookieStore` for crate compatibility
let cookie_store = reqwest_cookie_store::CookieStoreMutex::new(cookie_store);
let cookie_store = std::sync::Arc::new(cookie_store);
  // Examine initial contents
  println!("initial load");
  let store = cookie_store.lock().unwrap();
  for c in store.iter_any() {
    println!("{:?}", c);

// Build a `reqwest` Client, providing the deserialized store
let client = reqwest::Client::builder()

// Make a sample request
  // Examine the contents of the store.
  println!("after GET");
  let store = cookie_store.lock().unwrap();
  for c in store.iter_any() {
    println!("{:?}", c);

// Make another request from another domain
println!("GET from msn");
  // Examine the contents of the store.
  println!("after GET");
  let mut store = cookie_store.lock().unwrap();
  for c in store.iter_any() {
    println!("{:?}", c);
  // Clear the store, and examine again
  println!("after clear");
  for c in store.iter_any() {
    println!("{:?}", c);

// Get some new cookies
  // Write store back to disk
  let mut writer = std::fs::File::create("cookies2.json")
  let store = cookie_store.lock().unwrap();
  store.save_json(&mut writer).unwrap();