
  1. pnpm i 安装依赖
  2. 执行 zhux-site 的 dev 脚本

Git commit 规范

前缀 en desc
build changes affecting build systems or external dependencies 编译相关的修改,例如发布版本、对项目构建或者依赖的改动
chore updating grunt tasks etc.; no production code change 其他修改, 比如改变构建流程、或者增加依赖库、工具等
ci updating configuration files for continuous integration and deployment services 持续集成修改
docs documentation-only changes 文档修改
feat a new feature 新特性、新功能
fix a bug fix 修改 bug
perf a code change that improves performance 优化相关,比如提升性能、体验
refactor a code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature 代码重构
revert revert 回滚到上一个版本
style changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semicolons, etc.) 代码格式修改, 注意不是 css 修改
test adding missing tests or correcting existing tests 测试用例修改

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