Primary LanguagePython

SogCLR PyTorch Implementation

In this repo, you will learn how to train a self-supervised model by using Global Contrastive Loss (GCL) on CIFAR10/CIFAR100. The original GCL was implementated in Tensorflow and run in TPUs. This repo re-implements GCL in PyTorch and GPUs based on moco's codebase. We recommend users to run this notebook on a GPU-enabled environment, e.g., Google Colab.


git clone

git clone -b cifar https://github.com/Optimization-AI/SogCLR.git


Below is an example for self-supervised pre-training of a ResNet-50 model on CIFAR10 on a single GPU. The first time you run the scripts, datasets will be automatically downloaded to /data/. By default, we use linear learning rate scaling, e.g., $\text{LearningRate}=1.0\times\text{BatchSize}/256$, LARS optimizer and a weight decay of 1e-4. For temperature parameter $\tau$, we use a fixed value of 0.3. For DCL, gamma (γ in the paper) is an additional parameter for maintaining moving average estimator, the default value is 0.9. By default, CIFAR10 is used for experiments. To pretrain on CIFAR100, you can set --data_name cifar100. In this repo, only CIFAR10/CIFAR100 is supported, however, you can modify the dataloader to support other datasets.


We use batch size of 64 and train 400 epochs for pretraining. You can also increase the number of workers to accelerate the training speed.

python train.py \
  --lr=1.0 --learning-rate-scaling=sqrt \
  --epochs=400 --batch-size=64 \
  --loss_type dcl \
  --gamma 0.9 \
  --workers 32 \
  --wd=1e-4 \
  --data_name cifar10 \
  --save_dir ./saved_models/ \
  --print-freq 1000

Linear evaluation

By default, we use momentum-SGD without weight decay and a batch size of 1024 for linear evaluation on on frozen features/weights. In this stage, it runs 90 epochs for training.


python lincls.py \
  --workers 32 \
  --pretrained /path-to-checkpoint/checkpoint_0099.pth.tar
  --data_name cifar10 \
  --save_dir ./saved_models/ \


The following results are linear evaluation accuracy on CIFAR10 testing dataset. All results are based on a batch size of 64 for 400-epoch pretraining.

Method BatchSize Epoch Linear eval.
SimCLR 64 400 90.66
SogCLR 64 400 91.78


If you find this tutorial helpful, please cite our paper:

  title={Provable stochastic optimization for global contrastive learning: Small batch does not harm performance},
  author={Yuan, Zhuoning and Wu, Yuexin and Qiu, Zi-Hao and Du, Xianzhi and Zhang, Lijun and Zhou, Denny and Yang, Tianbao},
  booktitle={International Conference on Machine Learning},