
An FAQ chatbot which answers questions related to the University of Mines and Technology, Ghana

Primary LanguagePython


An FAQ chatbot which answers questions related to the University of Mines and Technology, Ghana.

Getting started

The chatbot was writen in python using tensorflow and tflearn. Flask package is used for rendering the UI.


The chatbot was created using python 3.6. If you are using a different version, you can create a python 3.6 virtual environment using Anaconda. After installing and setting up Anaconda, use the following commands to create the environment:

# Create environment
conda create -n chatbot python=3.6
# Activate environment
activate chatbot
# Deactivate enviroment
# List created virtual environments
conda env list


The chatbot was created with the following python packages. You can install the packages using the commands:

pip install nltk 
pip install numpy
pip install tflearn
pip install tensorflow
pip install Flask


To start the chatbot, use the command:

python bot.py 

To retrain model after making changes to intent.json dataset, use the command:

python trainbot.py

Built With

  • Flask - The web framework used
  • Tensorflow - The library used to train ML model



  • Thanks to Dinesh S for using his chatbot project as a reference guide for this project.