
Docker Compose for deploying Airflow with SQLite metadata backend. This is a lightweight approach for working with Airflow.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Airflow SQLite Docker Compose



This repo contains resources for deploying a development Airflow instance with an SQLite metadata backend using Docker Compose. The ./airflow/docker-compose.yaml is a modified version of the official Airflow docker-compose.yml and is based on instructions from the official Airflow docs for Running Airflow in Docker.

Note: These resources are based on Airflow version 2.8.0. However, I imagine the instructions can apply to all versions 2.x.x with minor modifications.

Table of Content

  1. Introduction
  2. Warning
  3. Pre-requisites
  4. Usage
  5. Commands
  6. References
  7. Contribution
  8. License


  • The resources in this repo are purely for testing and development purposes and should not be used for production.
  • You can only use SequentialExecutor with SQLite. If you require a different executor, you should refer to the official Airflow docs for Running Airflow in Docker.



Clone Repo

  • Clone the repo. For example: git clone https://github.com/kingsabru/airflow-sqlite-docker-compose.git

Initial Setup

Run the init.sh script to create the supporting folders and .env file.

  • Make init.sh executable: chmod +x init.sh
  • Run init.sh: ./init.sh

(Option 1) Deploy Airflow without Custom Image

  • Start docker containers: docker compose up -d

(Option 2) Deploy Airflow with Custom Image

  • Update the docker-compose.yml. Comment the line image: ${AIRFLOW_IMAGE_NAME:-apache/airflow:2.8.0} and uncomment the line build: .. reference
  • (Optional) Update the Dockerfile as necessary. A common change you can make is to modify the Airflow version.
  • (Optional) Add custom Python packages to the requirements.txt file. Airflow plugins hosted on Pypi can also be added here.
  • Build a custom Docker image: docker compose build
  • Start docker containers: docker compose up -d. Alternatively, you can build and start the container automatically using the command: docker compose up --build -d

Login to Airflow UI

  • Go to http://localhost:8080
  • Login with the username and password. The default username and password are airflow and airflow, respectively.

(Optional) Configure Connection on Airflow UI

  • Go to the menu directory: Admin > Connections
  • Click on the + icon to add a new record.
  • For Connection Type, choose the type of connection from the drop-down.
  • Input a Connection Id value. This will be the name of the connection. Example: clickhouse_conn
  • Fill in the rest of the fields as necessary.

(Optional) Create DAG

New DAGs should be created in the ./dags folder. Simply create a .py Python file and write the logic for the DAG. The result will be visible on the Airflow UI homepage when the file is saved.

Tear down deployment

  • Destroy Docker container: docker compose down --volumes --remove-orphans
  • Delete the ./db/airflow.db file.


  • Build custom Airflow Image: docker compose build
  • Spin Up Docker Containers: docker compose up -d
  • Stop Docker Containers: docker compose stop
  • Start stopped Docker Containers: docker compose start
  • Destroy Docker Containers: docker compose down --volumes --remove-orphans



If you have any suggestions, bug reports, or want to contribute to this userscript, feel free to create issues or pull requests in this GitHub repository.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.