
Apple push notification service (Laravel notification channel).

Primary LanguagePHPApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


⚠️ Abandoned ⚠️

This package was written at a time where the offical Laravel Notification Channels didn't support the "new" APNs API.

This package is hereby no longer maintained and you should seriously consider upgrading to laravel-notification-channels/apn

Laravel APNS Notification Channel

Packagist license Packagist

Apple push notification service (Laravel notification channel).


Require the package.

composer require kingscode/laravel-apns-notification-channel

You will need to get a p8 certificate for you application from apple, before you can use this channel. Configure the path in config/broadcasting.php.

'connections' => [
    'apn' => [
        'key_id'               => env('APN_KEY_ID'),
        'team_id'              => env('APN_TEAM_ID'),
        'app_bundle'           => env('APN_APP_BUNDLE'),
        'private_key'          => storage_path('apn.p8'),
        'private_key_password' => env('APN_KEY_PASSWORD', null),
        'is_production'        => env('APN_PRODUCTION', false),


In your notifiable model, make sure to include a routeNotificationForApn() method which may return a single token or an array of tokens.

public function routeNotificationForApn(): string
    return $this->apn_token;

And in your Notification add a toApn method that returns a Message.

 * Get the notification in APN format.
 * @param $notifiable
 * @return \KingsCode\LaravelApnsNotificationChannel\Message
public function toApn($notifiable): Message
    return (new Message())

And make sure your via method returns the ApnChannel.

public function via($notifiable): array
    return [ApnChannel::class];