
Vuetify resource.

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT

Vuetify resource for vuetify 2 and vue 2 only

An easy way to create a resource or crud list with the vuetify data table. With default a create, update and delete dialogs/actions and potential your own actions. it can be used in CMS driven by vue/vuetify

Project Install

# npm
npm install @kingscode/vuetify-resource --save

Global styling

A global option for styling the crudaction and speeddial buttons. When you import the VuetifyResource, you can set the style-options. These are the options you can use as default:

  • color, change color of button
  • size, change only the size of the crudactions
  • onlyCrudActions, set default styling for all crudactions
  • onlySpeedDial, set default styling for all speeddial actions

The styling will default applies for crudactions and speeddials.

Example for changing styling of crudactions only:

  style: {
    default: {
      color: '#222222',
      size: 18,
      onlyCrudActions: true,

You could also use property settings for changing the buttons individually. These are the options you can use as individually:

  • color;
  • icon.

Example for changing only the styling of the create-button:

  style: {
    create: {
      color: '#1C87DB',
      icon: 'fa-calendar-plus',


  • createToolbar (you can add something before the save button, like other buttons, or an titlte)
  • createContent (what's inside the create modal(your form))
  • updateToolbar (you can add something before the save button, like other buttons, or an titlte)
  • updateContent (what's inside the update modal(your form))
  • speedDialAfter (you can add something after the default speed dail buttons create, update and delete.)
  • crudActionsAfter (add an own crud action with a prop: resource which is the selected item)

example for crudActionsAfter slot:

<template slot="crudActionsAfter" slot-scope="slotProps">
    <v-tooltip left>
        <span>view documents</span>


 * getDataCallBack
 * @param pagination
 * @return promise with resolving items and total for the table

 * getItemCallback
 * get the data of a single resource by the key (key is the id by default)
 * @param key
 * @return promise with resolving the data of an resource
 * beforeCreateCallback
 * the callback wich is called before opening the create form
 * createCallBack
 * the callback which is called when the create form is saved
 * @return promise
 * beforeUpdateCallback
 * the callback which is called before the update dialog is opened

 * updateCallback
 * the callback wich is called when the update form is saved
 * @return promise
 * deleteCallback
 * the callback which is called when the delete action is called
 * @return promise
 * useResourceKeyInUrl
 * Do you want the resource key (by default the resource's id) in the hash in the url?
 * @return boolean
 * resourceKeyName
 * What is the name of the resource key? (default: id)
 * Notice: useResourceKeyInUrl must be true to use this property
 * @return string
 * getItemByCallback
 * find items by a callback (true) or from the items array (false)
 * @return string
 * tableContent
 * @param array with object(s) for each column in the table
 *     {
 *         text:       string              the text which is presented above the column
 *         align:      string
 *         sortable:   coolean
 *         value:      string
 *         columnType: object/component
 *         formatter: function             a function which returns a formatter value
 *     }
 * texts
 * @return Object with the texts you want to overrule
 * {
 *     save: 'Save',
 *     from: 'from',
 *     till: 'till',
 *     'no-data': 'There is nothing found',
 *     'no-results': 'There is nothing found for this filter',
 *     'rows-per-page-text': 'Rows per page'
 * }
 * meta
 * @return Object with the meta you want to overrule
 * {
 *     name: 'Resource',
 *     namePlural: 'Resources'
 * }
 * rowsPerPageItems
 * The rows per page option selection
 * @return array
 * rowsPerPage
 * The number of rows
 * @return string
canUpdate: {required: false, type: Boolean, default: true},
canUpdateResourceKey: {required: false, type: String, default: ''},
canAdd: {required: false, type: Boolean, default: true},
canDelete: {required: false, type: Boolean, default: true},
canDeleteResourceKey: {required: false, type: String, default: ''},
canSearch: {required: false, type: Boolean, default: false},
showSpeedDial: {required: false, type: Boolean, default: true},
speedDialDirection: {required: false, type: String}, //left, right, top, bottom
useCheckboxes: {required: false, type: Boolean},

defaultSortBy {required: false, type: String} defaultSortDesc {required: false, type: Boolean}




reload (this.$refs.yourResource.reload()) resets pagination and reloads it

SPA example

        <div slot="createContent">
            place here your form
        <div slot="updateContent">
            place here your form


import VuetfiyResource from '@kingscode/vuetify-resource';
import Text from '@kingscode/vuetify-resource/columnTypes/Text';
import Checkbox from '@kingscode/vuetify-resource/columnTypes/Checkbox';

export default {
    components: {
    name: 'News',
    data() {
        return {
            tableContent: [
                    text: 'Titel',
                    align: 'left',
                    sortable: true,
                    value: 'title',
            createForm: {values: {}},
            updateForm: {values: {}},
    methods: {
         * Get the data for the table from the API
        getDataFromApi(pagination) {
            const {sortBy, descending, page, rowsPerPage} = pagination;
            return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                let items = [
                        title: 'hello'
                        title: 'hello2'
                    items.length, //this is the servers total

         * Get the data from one single resource, this is used for filling the forms
        getItemFromApi(id) {
            return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                let item = [title: 'hallo'];
         * Create an item on the server
        createNews() {
            return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
         * Update an item on the server
        updateNews(selected) {
            return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {


         * Delete an item on the server
        deleteNews(items) {
            return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

Extra information

  • For debugging purposes when there is an error inside a callback, this will be outputted in a console.error if process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development'