
Custom views of Swift and Objective-C

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


  • 本框架中的 SGTagsView 设计来源于 SGPagingView 框架中的 SGPageTitleView


视图 注释
SGActionSheet 弹窗
SGCycleScrollView 文字、图片轮播
SGPopupMenu 弹框菜单
SGItemsView item视图
SGTagsView 标签视图
SGTextView placeholder、placeholderColor、limitNumber


视图 注释
SGLabel 文字从左上方开始布局
SGTextView placeholder、placeholderColor、limitNumber
SGTagsView 标签视图
SGItemsView item视图
SGActionSheet 底部弹窗视图(微信、微博样式)
SGGuidePageView 引导页

代码介绍(详细使用,请参考 API)

SGTagsView 的使用

    SGTagsViewConfigure *configure = [SGTagsViewConfigure configure];

    NSArray *tags = @[@"iPhone 8", @"iPhone 8P", @"iPhone X", @"iPhone XR", @"iPhone XS", @"iPhone XS Max"];
    SGTagsView *tagsView = [SGTagsView tagsViewWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 100, self.view.frame.size.width, 50) configure:configure];
    tagsView.tags = tags;
    [self.view addSubview:tagsView];
    tagsView.singleSelectBlock = ^(SGTagsView * _Nonnull tagsView, NSString *tag, NSInteger index) {
        NSLog(@"%@ - - %ld", tag, index);

SGActionSheet 的使用

    SGActionSheetConfigure *asc = [SGActionSheetConfigure configure];
    SGActionSheet *as = [[SGActionSheet alloc] initWithOtherTitles:@[@"确定"] configure:asc];
    as.otherTitleClickBlock = ^(NSInteger index) {
        NSLog(@"index  - - %ld", index);
    [as actionSheet];
