
reviewing related works of location prediction tasks

该仓库旨在整理 Next-Step Location Prediction 任务的相关文献,供给自己科研学习使用

This repo aims to organize related works for the topic "Next-Step Location Prediction" for scientist research.

The repo will divide these works into three parts:

  • classic assumptions/ theory/ findings
  • topics (related data)
  • models (mainly based on neural networks)

Assumptions/ Theory/ Findings

Paper Journal & Year Findings Main Method
Limits of Predictability in Human Mobility Science, 2010 The predictability of the general public is around 93%. Entorpy / Π


Paper Journal & Year Topic Findings Main Method
Trajectory Data Mining: An overview ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 2015 Trajectory Data Overview on trajectory data Introduction and Main methods on different trajectory-related tasks
Understanding the movement predictability of international travelers using a nationwide mobile phone dataset collected in South Korea CEUS, 2022 Travelers' predictability Despite travelling, tourist movement is still predictable 1-order Markov Chain / LSTM


Paper Journal & Year Findings Innovation Main Method
Context-aware multi-head self-attentional neural network model for next location prediction TRC, 2023 - 1. Adding user ID -
DeepApp: Predicting Personalized smartphone app usage via context-aware multi-task Learning ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 2020 SOTA Multi-task Learning, others as fake task Multi-task