
Primary LanguageJavaScript




A site where you can find space for Working. One can see all the available space for work specific to location, book for a day or for months, also able to do the payment through this site.

User Stories

Login As an ADMIN i can login to site and i am able to see all the Users and bookings.

Add new Space As an Admin i can add new spaces to the site.

Edit Space As an Admin i can Edit or Delete an existing space.

sign up As a USER i can sign up in the site to see all the available spaces that suits me.

Login As a USER i can login to site to book a space and do the payments.

Edit Booking As a USER i can make changes in the bookings.

Edit User As a USER i can edit my profile, see all the bookings that i made.


  • Login page
  • profile
  • see all the spaces in map
  • Reserve a space
  • adding payment
  • add a chat with Admin

# Client / Frontend

#React Router Routes

path Component Permissions Behavior
'/' LandingPage public Landing Page with search component
'/signup' SignupPage public Signup form, Link to Login,Navigate to home page after sign up
'/login' LoginPage public Login form,Link for Sign up, Navigate to homepage after signup
'/home' HomePage User/Admin Show Search bar
'/spaces' ViewSpaces User List all the available spaces
'/spaces/:id' DetailedView User show details of the selected space
'/book/:id' BookingPage User Booking options with Calendar
'/payment/:id' PaymentPage User Payment options
'/confirmBooking' ThankyouPage User button to go to profile/account
'/profile/:Uid' UserProfile User Profile with booking details
'/Edit/:id' EditBooking user User can edit bookings
'/Edit/:Uid' EditProfile user user can edit account details

# Componenets

  • LandingPage
  • Navbar
  • SignupPage
  • LoginPage
  • HomePage
  • ViewSpaces
  • DetailedView
  • BookingPage
  • PaymentPage
  • ThankyouPage
  • UserProfilePage
  • EditProfile
  • EditBooking


  • Auth Service
    • auth.login(user)
    • auth.signup(user)
    • auth.logout()
    • auth.me()
    • auth.getUser() // synchronous
  • Booking Service
    • Spces.list()
    • Space.detailedView(id)
    • space.add(id)
    • space.delete(id)
    • space.edit(id)
  • User Service
    • user.detail(id)

Server / Backend


User model

  userFirstName: {type: String, required: true},
  userLastName: {type: String, required: true},
  loginName: {type: String, required: true, unique: true},
  email: {type: String, required: true, unique: true},
  password: {type: String, required: true},
  phone :{type :int}

Space model

  owner: {type: String, required: true},
  email: {type: String, required: true, unique: true},
  spaceId: {type: int , required: true},
  address:{type :string, required:true},
  city:{type :string, required:true},
  country:{type :string, required:true},
  availableSeats:{type :int, required:true},
  area:{type :int, required:true},
  costPerDay:{type :int, required:true},

Booking model

  user: {type: String, required: true, unique: true},
  email: {type: String, required: true, unique: true},
  spaceId: {type: int , required: true},
  createdDate : date: { type: Date, default: Date.now }
  fromDate : date: { type: Date},
  toDate :  date: { type: Date},

Backend routes

HTTP Method URL Request Body Success status Error Status Description
GET /auth/me 200 404 Check if user is logged in and return profile page
POST /auth/signup {name, email, password} 201 404 Checks if fields not empty (422) and user not exists (409), then create user with encrypted password, and store user in session
POST /auth/login {username, password} 200 401 Checks if fields not empty (422), if user exists (404), and if password matches (404), then stores user in session
POST /auth/logout (empty) 204 400 Logs out the user
POST /booking/:id {name,spaceid,date } Used to create one booking , using current logged in user id as a creator.
POST /payment/:id {name,spaceid,dates,} Used to do payment
PUT /booking/:id Used to edit the booking
DELETE /booking/:id Used to delete one exit point document by id
GET /user/id {username, email, password} Used to edit profile.
PUT /users use to see all users