Lens Smart Post Red Envelop

Post something with a red envelop and claim it with a token


Original README

Lens Hello World Smart Post

This repo contains smart contracts and a UI which demonstrates a Lens Smart Post to call a helloWorld() function on an external contract.

The Polygon mainnet version of the site is live here

Integration Guide

The deployed action module addresses are:

To integrate this open action, support must be added to create and execute the action.

Create Post

To create a publication with this action module attached there are two relavent fields:

actionModules - array of addresses which should contain module addresses above ^

actionModuleInitDatas - array of bytes data, for this action there is one parameter, a string containing an initialize message (which is contained in the Hello World event output)

An integration for this action should display an input box for the initialize string and encode it to be passed in the initDatas as follows:

// viem
const encodedInitDataVIem = encodeAbiParameters(
    [{ type: "string" }],

// ethers v5
const encodedInitDataEthers = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(

For a complete example of creating a post with this open action module with viem, see here


A publication with this open action will contain the module address and initialize data from the "Create Post" step contained in it's postParams field. To decode the initialize string:

const index = actionModules.indexOf(openActionContractAddress);
const actionModuleInitData = post.args.postParams.actionModulesInitDatas[index];

// viem
const decodedInitializeDataViem = decodeAbiParameters(
    { type: 'string' },

// ethers v5
const decodedInitializeDataEthers = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(

To allow users to execute this action, an integration should display the decoded initialize string, an input box for the user to set an action string, and button which trigger the action.

When the button is pressed, act should be called on the LensHub contract, with relavent fields:

  • publicationActedProfileId - Profile ID of action publisher, args.postParams.profileId

  • publicationActedId - ID of publication with this action attached, args.pubId

  • actionModuleAddress - module contract address from above

  • actionModuleData - bytes data, for this action there is one parameter encoded, a string containing an action message (which is also contained in the Hello World event output)

The actionModuleData can be encoded identically to the initializeData.

For a complete example of executing this open action on a publication with viem, see here

Smart Contracts

Polygon Mainnet



Mumbai Testnet



To Deploy Your Own

1.) Switch to contracts directory (cd contracts) and setup environment variables: copy .env.example to .env, input deployment values values in .env, and run source .env (or equivalent on your OS)

2.) Run script to deploy HelloWorld.sol and HelloWorldOpenAction.sol to Mumbai: forge script script/HelloWorld.s.sol:HelloWorldScript --rpc-url INSERT_RPC_HERE --broadcast --verify -vvvv


Polygon deployment is live @ https://lens-hello-world-open-action.vercel.app/

To run locally, clone repo, switch to frontend directory, make sure you have bun installed and run bun install && bun run dev

Contract address are configured in frontend/src/constants.ts

The frontend/src/layout components Create, Act, and Events contain code to create a post with this action, execute this action on a post, and display HelloWorld.sol events respectively.

Copy .env.example to .env in frontend directory, input environment variables, and run source .env (or equivalent on your OS).