Instructions for Local Machine Replication

  1. Create a folder that you want as the root directory of the project. Open a terminal in that folder.
  2. Run the command git clone
  3. This will create a subfolder called seng300-project and inside will be the hardware project, the software project and the software test project.
  4. In Eclipse, go to File > Import then search for / click on Existing Projects into Workspace
  5. Select the seng300-project folder and check all 3 of the projects. Leave everything else as-is.
  6. Everything should already be setup, to test your configuration, go to the test project and run the SelfCheckoutSystemTest file, it should pass without errors.
  7. Create a new branch called dev-<what you're doing>, commit to that branch.


  • Commit to your own branch

  • If you need the latest changes from main, simply pull from the main branch (using local git, NOT GITHUB)

  • When you are ready to merge to main, open a pull request in GitHub
