Pinned Repositories
Quotes from famous activist in history.
Pretty much creating(or attempting to create famous album covers, mainly from hip hop using Python.
A Survival guide to incoming AP World History students on how to survive and what to expect when taking AP World History
Hashiriya(走り屋), also known as Street racers. Break into the night as a Hashiriya in this text based game in the city of Tokyo along the famous routes such as the legendary Bayshore route, C1 inner Loop , and the Tokyo Bay Aqua line. But be careful on your choices...
Application that displays motivation quotes(some from me, and some from famous people like Bruce lee,Micheal Jordan, and Nas for example). Also in this application shows the users time/date and timezone that is based on users system prefrences.
For me AP World history class, i was required to do a assignment, on a book called One day in the life of Ivan Deniscovovich by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn . In some creative way, we were supposed to summarize the book, in some creative way. What I did, was basiclly make a text based adventure game where you play as] the protangonist, Ivan Deniscovovih, in what he experienced one day in a gulag, in where he was sentenced 10 years to. This is written in Python.
A text-based simulation that enables users to conduct insider trading through the lens of a Congress Representative or the Board of Directors in a private sector company.
kingsteph23's Repositories
Application that displays motivation quotes(some from me, and some from famous people like Bruce lee,Micheal Jordan, and Nas for example). Also in this application shows the users time/date and timezone that is based on users system prefrences.
Hashiriya(走り屋), also known as Street racers. Break into the night as a Hashiriya in this text based game in the city of Tokyo along the famous routes such as the legendary Bayshore route, C1 inner Loop , and the Tokyo Bay Aqua line. But be careful on your choices...
For me AP World history class, i was required to do a assignment, on a book called One day in the life of Ivan Deniscovovich by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn . In some creative way, we were supposed to summarize the book, in some creative way. What I did, was basiclly make a text based adventure game where you play as] the protangonist, Ivan Deniscovovih, in what he experienced one day in a gulag, in where he was sentenced 10 years to. This is written in Python.
A text-based simulation that enables users to conduct insider trading through the lens of a Congress Representative or the Board of Directors in a private sector company.
Quotes from famous activist in history.
Pretty much creating(or attempting to create famous album covers, mainly from hip hop using Python.
A Survival guide to incoming AP World History students on how to survive and what to expect when taking AP World History
A currency converter that allows you to see how much x amount of money in one currency is in another currency. Like saying how much 5 dollars in us dollars is worth in Japanese yen. The current currencies conist of the following: US DOLLARS, CANADIAN DOLLARS, BRITISH POUNDS, EUROS , SWISS FRANCS, JAPANESE YEN, CHINESE YUAN, HONG KONG DOLLARS, KOREAN WON, INDIAN RUPEES, AUSTRALIAN DOLLARS, croatian kunas, Haitian Gourde, and Mexican Pesos, NEW ZEALAND DOLLARS. (As of 6/28).Currencies will be updated on a weekly bases with a change in exchange values of currency rates and new currency additions will be added.
Social media Survey(english) french version coming soon
Info regarding Haitian earthquake of Aug 14 2021:(Les Cayes)
A 11 question quiz that sees how haitian are you, depending on your answer choices..........🇭🇹🇭🇹🇭🇹🇭🇹🇭🇹
Config files for my GitHub profile.
Ehh, just a simple math game that just test your math skills,specifically on decimals.
Ehh, just a simple math game that just test your math skills,specifically on decimals.(Java edition😏)(go to master branch to see the code)
The good word, world from the holy book
Program that helps user see how much to tip for a service depending on if the service is (poor-10% average-15%, or excellent-20%)