
Spyfall slack integration written in Elixir

Primary LanguageElixir


A spyfall integration written for Slack. Instructions and commands for how to play the game can be found by issuing help in the designated spyfall room.


First, you will need to configure the app with your bot's Slack token. The setup script will walk you through setup interactively.


NOTE: The room that is provided must already exist within your Slack org.


Development can be done in the Vagrant box, which will be provisioned automatically as an Ubuntu machine with Elixir installed.

vagrant up

Once the box has been provisioned, ssh into the machine and install Mix dependencies

vagrant ssh

cd /vagrant/spyfall
mix deps.get

Finally, run the bot using

mix run --no-halt

To run in production, set MIX_ENV=prod and then compile

MIX_ENV=prod mix compile
MIX_ENV=prod mix run --no-halt