CoreCommerce Coding Challenge

Installation (Read Me)

  1. Unpack the zip or code into a directory
  2. run composer install in the docroot to install dependencies and the autoloader 2a. Install Composer if you don't have it here.
  3. Run the application with php index.php.

See for development details.

The original Readme


This example comes from the book Refactoring by Martin Fowler. The example is in PHP, but it is designed to be simple enough to understand - regardless of your experience with the language.

There are solutions to this problem readily available on the Internet, so please adhere to the honor system: don't cheat!


The code uses PHP's short array syntax ($arr = [];), so you'll need PHP 5.4 or higher. If you have a Mac or Linux machine, the PHP executables may already be installed. If you are on Windows, you might start here:

Feel free to include any external libraries or dependencies that you believe will add value to the project.


The domain concerns movie rentals and customer statements.

There are 3 existing classes:

  • Movie is composed of a title - name - and a pricing code - priceCode.
  • Rental is composed of a Movie - movie - and a duration - daysRented.
  • Customer is composed of a name - name - and, optionally, a Rental collection / array - rentals.

The Customer class also contains a method - statement() - that prints a plain-text statement containing the customer's billing and loyalty information.

Current State

The program can be run by $ php index.php.

This should be the output:

Rental Record for Joe Schmoe
        Back to the Future              3
        Office Space                    3.5
        The Big Lebowski                15
Amount owed is 21.5
You earned 4 frequent renter points

Your Tasks

  1. The business requires statements in HTML - in addition to their current text output. The desired HTML output is shown below. Please implement a Customer.htmlStatement() method that returns this output.
  2. The business wants to change the movie classifications. They may, for example, wish to remove "Children's" or add a new classification called "SciFi". Then again, they may simply wish to change the algorithms for calculating frequent renter points. In other words, the classification / pricing / points system needs to be more flexible. (This task is intentionally open-ended.)

HTML Output for Task #1

<h1>Rental Record for <em>Joe Schmoe</em></h1>
    <li>Back to the Future - 3</li>
    <li>Office Space - 3.5</li>
    <li>The Big Lebowski - 15</li>
<p>Amount owed is <em>21.5</em></p>
<p>You earned <em>4</em> frequent renter points</p>

Your Deliverables

  1. Return your solution as a .zip or .tgz file.
  2. Include a rough estimate of how much time you spent working on the assignment.
  3. Also include any additional instructions / requirements for running your solution.