
A Postman Newman HTML reporter with added handlebars helpers and a few other extras

Primary LanguageHTML


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A Newman HTML reporter that has been extended to include the separation of the iteration runs so these are no longer aggregated together and also some additional handlebars helpers to enable users to create better custom templates. This reporter comes with a default dashboard style template and also a Dark Theme version that can be switched using a CLI flag.

Some of the Extras

  • Full separated iterations runs and not aggregated stats - Default template shows iteration number in heading
  • Includes the full handlebars-helpers module for building better templates
  • New percent helper to help exposing data like Test Pass Percentage - e.g {{percent cumulativeTests.passed cumulativeTests.failed}}
  • Copy and Paste any of the Response Bodies
  • Includes an inc helper to work with things like the handlebars zero index - e.g Iteration:{{inc cursor.iteration}} - {{item.name}}
  • Added the helper-moment module so you have more control over the display dates - e.g {{moment date format="dddd, DD MMMM YYYY HH:mm:ss"}}
  • Exposed the Skipped Tests so you can tell which ones are skipped, in the main summary view. You can also see which tests are skipped within the single request view
  • Folder level descriptions with rendered Markdown syntax
  • Response Headers displayed for each of the requests
  • Iterations separated by tabs in the Requests view
  • First attempt to add the console.log statements - These are currently separate from the parent requests but it's the first step in getting them on the report
  • A Dark Theme dashboard template - This is an option from the CLI using the --reporter-htmlextra-darkTheme flag or in a script by setting the darkTheme property to true.
  • A helper to give more control over the main title shown on the report. Use the --reporter-htmlextra-title flag to add your own unique headline.
  • The default filename, if you do not supply the export location, is now includes the collection name in the filename rather that the reporter name.
  • Use the onlyShowFails option to reduce the report down to just showing the requests that had test failures.
  • More to come...


The installation should be global if newman is installed globally, local otherwise.

For global install:

npm install -g newman-reporter-htmlextra

For local install:

npm install -S newman-reporter-htmlextra


In order to enable this reporter, specify htmlextra in Newman's -r or --reporters option.

newman run https://www.getpostman.com/collections/631643-f695cab7-6878-eb55-7943-ad88e1ccfd65-JsLv -r htmlextra


With Newman CLI

CLI Option Description
--reporter-htmlextra-export <path> Specify a path where the output HTML file will be written to disk. If not specified, the file will be written to newman/ in the current working directory.
--reporter-htmlextra-template <path> Specify a path to the custom template which will be used to render the HTML report. This option depends on --reporter htmlextra and --reporter-htmlextra-export being present in the run command. If this option is not specified, the default template is used
--reporter-htmlextra-showOnlyFails Use this optional flag to tell the reporter to display only the requests with failed tests.
--reporter-htmlextra-darkTheme Use this optional flag to switch the reporter template to the Dark Theme dashboard.
--reporter-htmlextra-testPaging Use this optional flag to add pagination to the tests in the request view.
--reporter-htmlextra-title This optional flag can be used to give your report a different main Title in the centre of the report. If this is not set, the report will show "Newman Run Dashboard".

Custom templates (currently handlebars only) can be passed to the HTML reporter via --reporter-htmlextra-template <path> with --reporters htmlextra and --reporter-htmlextra-export. The default template is used in all other cases.

To create a report that only shows the requests with Failed tests, from the CLI, the following command can be used:

newman run https://www.getpostman.com/collections/631643-f695cab7-6878-eb55-7943-ad88e1ccfd65-JsLv -r htmlextra --reporter-htmlextra-showOnlyFails

To create the Dark Theme report from the CLI, the following command can be used:

newman run https://www.getpostman.com/collections/631643-f695cab7-6878-eb55-7943-ad88e1ccfd65-JsLv -r htmlextra --reporter-htmlextra-darkTheme

To add a custom Title to your report from the CLI, the following command can be used:

newman run https://www.getpostman.com/collections/631643-f695cab7-6878-eb55-7943-ad88e1ccfd65-JsLv -r htmlextra --reporter-htmlextra-title "My new report title"

With Newman as a Library

All the CLI functionality is available for programmatic use as well within a nodejs script.

const newman = require('newman');

    collection: require('./examples/Restful_Booker_Collection.json'), // can also provide a URL or path to a local JSON file.
    environment: require('./examples/Restful_Booker_Environment.json'),
    reporters: 'htmlextra',
    reporter: {
        htmlextra: {
            export: './<html file path>', // If not specified, the file will be written to `newman/` in the current working directory.
            template: '<template path>' // optional, the default template will be used if one is not specified
}, function (err) {
    if (err) { throw err; }
    console.log('collection run complete!');

Add the showOnlyFails property to the htmlextra object, to create a report showing only requests with test failures.

const newman = require('newman');

    collection: require('./examples/Restful_Booker_Collection.json'), // can also provide a URL or path to a local JSON file.
    environment: require('./examples/Restful_Booker_Environment.json'),
    reporters: 'htmlextra',
    reporter: {
        htmlextra: {
            export: './<html file path>', // If not specified, the file will be written to `newman/` in the current working directory.
            showOnlyFails: true // optional, tells the reporter to create a report showing only the requests with failed tests.
}, function (err) {
    if (err) { throw err; }
    console.log('collection run complete!');

To use the dark theme template within a script - Add the darkTheme property to the htmlextra object. If the template option is also part of the object, this will overwrite the darkTheme option.

const newman = require('newman');

    collection: require('./examples/Restful_Booker_Collection.json'), // can also provide a URL or path to a local JSON file.
    environment: require('./examples/Restful_Booker_Environment.json'),
    reporters: 'htmlextra',
    reporter: {
        htmlextra: {
            export: './<html file path>', // If not specified, the file will be written to `newman/` in the current working directory.
            darkTheme: true // optional, tells the reporter to use the `Dark Theme` template
}, function (err) {
    if (err) { throw err; }
    console.log('collection run complete!');

Add the title property to the htmlextra object, to pass in your own custom title to the report.

const newman = require('newman');

    collection: require('./examples/Restful_Booker_Collection.json'), // can also provide a URL or path to a local JSON file.
    environment: require('./examples/Restful_Booker_Environment.json'),
    reporters: 'htmlextra',
    reporter: {
        htmlextra: {
            export: './<html file path>', // If not specified, the file will be written to `newman/` in the current working directory.
            title: 'My new report title' // optional, tells the reporter to use this as the main title in the centre of the report
}, function (err) {
    if (err) { throw err; }
    console.log('collection run complete!');

Default Dashboard

Dashboard Template

Request View Iterations

Multiple Folders

Request View

Failed View

Skipped View

Dark Theme Dashboard

Dark Theme Dashboard

Dark Theme Request View

Show Only Failures

If you have mulitiple requests in your collections the report can become quite verbose, I've added a flag option to just create the report with only the requests that have Failed tests. This is very similar to the default report but the folders will already be expanded, if their are any failed tests.

Failed Requests View

Add the darkTheme flag to see this in the dark view.

Failed Requests Dark View

Console Logs

This is the first attempt to expose any console.log statements that are really useful to have in your Requests. The event from Newman doesn't contain a lot of detail about the request that it was part of and this will involve, in it's current state a horrible hacky fix to map things together. In the meantime, the Postman pm.info function provides these for you and can just be added to the console.log statement, as workaround. Something like ${pm.info.requestName} | ${pm.info.eventName} | Iteration: ${pm.info.iteration + 1} will log out the missing event information.

If the collection contains Console Logs, a new tab will appear, that will show all the details. This information is displayed in a similar way that you may have seen on the Failed Tests and Skipped Tests.

Console Log


newman-reporter-htmlextra newman node
>= v1.1.0 >= v4.2.3 >= v8.x

Community Support

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This software is licensed under Apache-2.0. Copyright Postdot Technologies, Inc. See the LICENSE.md file for more information.

Special mention

This work have been hugely inspired and copied several aspects of the great work done by Martijn Vander Vlag to create the newman-reporter-htmlfull package. Check out that package too, this contains many of the same features.

It was also brought together by reviewing some of the feature requests, for the official Postman HTML reporter.