
The nessus_agent module allows you to install, link and unlink nessus agents across linux and windows.

Primary LanguageRuby


Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Bolt Newcomers - Quickstart
  3. Gotchas/Limitations
  4. Tasks
    1. install
    2. link
    3. unlink
    4. generatelogs
  5. Plans
    1. install_link
    2. generatelogs
  6. Contributions - Guide for contributing to the module


The nessus_agent module allows you to install, link nessus agents as well as perform other nessus agent tasks such as generating bug reports across linux and windows targets.

Bolt Quickstart

If you're a bolt aficionado, you can skip this section.

If you've never used bolt before, the easiest way to get started is with a bolt project. Bolt projects allow you to keep/organise your bolt automation in a single space. I've created a skeleton of a bolt project here: https://github.com/kinners00/bolt_sandbox.

  1. Download/clone repo above
  2. Populate your own target inventory information in the inventory.yaml file (make sure and remove what you don't need and delete #hashs)
  3. Navigate to the bolt_sandbox directory in your shell
  4. Install this module in your project by running bolt module add kinners00-nessus_agent
  5. Run bolt task show and bolt plan show to find out what tasks and plans are available within this module
  6. Running bolt <automation_type> show <myautomationitem> will give you more detailed info on how to use a given task or plan including required and optional parameters. Try it out by running bolt task show nessus_agent::link within the bolt_sandbox directory/project. As projects are self contained, this command will only work when your pwd is the bolt_sandbox directory.

Ps. There's some learning/sample tasks and a plan included in the bolt_sandbox that'll help you get started with building your own tasks and plans. You can start by creating tasks and plans in their relevant directories within the bolt_sandbox!


Bolt tasks are copied and executed under /tmp

If you can't execute scripts under that directory, you can pass --tmpdir flag on your bolt command followed by your chosen directory for example --tmpdir /var/tmp

Pass 'run as root' parameter

Depending on your targets user level permissions, you may have to pass --run-as root on your bolt command or add run-as: root to your config in your inventory.yaml file.



Tasks are cross platform so you only need to specify your targets and the task will work out what needs to be done per supported OS across *nix & windows. Whilst they are cross platform tasks, you can only run the nessus_agent::link, nessus_agent::unlink & nessus_agent::generatelogs tasks on a mix of targets comprising of disparate oses at the same time.




bolt task run nessus_agent::install -t <targets> installer_path="C:\tmp\NessusAgent-8.2.2-x64.msi"


RPM & DEB are both supported

bolt task run nessus_agent::install -t <targets> installer_path="/tmp/NessusAgent-8.2.2-es7.x86_64.rpm"



If you're using tenable.io then at the very minimum, you'll only need to pass your linking key and your Nessus agents will pair with your tenable instance however they're a bunch of optional parameters you can take advantage of such agent name, groups, offline install and more.

Pair with Tenable.io

bolt task run nessus_agent::link -t <targets> key=836e1c023f20601162f908234835c0aa1c61c91a4c750a1f094b4adfc396cdde

Pair with Nessus Manager

Due to issues with use of the $host variable on windows, I've named equivalent bolt parameter server, which directly translates to --host flag.

bolt task run nessus_agent::link -t <targets> key=<yourkey> server="" port=8834


bolt task run nessus_agent::link -t <targets> key=<yourkey> groups="mygroup"

Multiple Groups

bolt task run nessus_agent::link -t <targets> key=<yourkey> groups="mygroup,mygroup2,mygroup3"


bolt task run nessus_agent::link -t <targets> key=<yourkey> name="mynode.nodecorp.com"

Offline Install

bolt task run nessus_agent::link -t <targets> key=<yourkey> offline_install=yes

Proxy host & Port

There are also additional flags around proxy usage with Tenable such as pass proxy_username, proxy_password and proxy_agent.

bolt task run nessus_agent::link -t <targets> key=<yourkey> server=<myhost> port=<hostport> proxy_host="host.corp.com" proxy_port="8834"



bolt task run nessus_agent::unlink -t <targets>



bolt task run nessus_agent::generatelogs -t <targets>

Full log report

bolt task run nessus_agent::generatelogs -t <targets> level=full


The scrub functionality will sanitise the first two octets of IPV4 addresses.

bolt task run nessus_agent::generatelogs -t <targets> scrub=true




All of the parameters found in nessus_agent::install and nessus_agent::link tasks are supported in this "complete workflow" plan. This plan will allow you to specify a Nessus agent install package locally on your bolt workstation for upload to your remote targets. Once uploaded, it will then install the Nessus agent using the package provided and link the Tenable agent to tenable.io or Nessus Manager, depending on the flags passed.

bolt plan run nessus_agent::install_link -t <targets> install_file_local="/home/user/NessusAgent-8.2.2-x64.msi" install_file_destination="C:\tmp" installer_path="C:\tmp\NessusAgent-8.2.2-x64.msi" key=<yourkey> groups=<mygroups>

Skipping upload step

You can set upload=false to skip the upload step and only install and link agents if you've already uploaded the Nessus agent installer to the target node(s) via alternate methods.

bolt plan run nessus_agent::install_link -t <targets> upload=false installer_path=<pathtoinstaller> key=<yourkey> groups=<mygroups> 



When a Nessus agent log tarball is generated on linux, it has root ownership as default. This means that bolt can't download logs directly using SCP. To get around this, the nessus_agent::generatelogs plan changes the ownership of these logs (to a user you specify) to allow them to be downloaded to your workstation. Once logs are downloaded, they are deleted from the target node.


bolt plan run nessus_agent::generatelogs -t rhel file_destination="tenablelogs" user=myuser level=full scrub=true


bolt plan run nessus_agent::generatelogs -t windows file_destination="tenablelogs" level=full scrub=true


If anyone would like to contribute to the module, that would be awesome and very much welcomed. Repo: https://github.com/kinners00/nessus_agent

If you're experiencing any bugs, please raise an issue below. Issues link: https://github.com/kinners00/nessus_agent/issues