
Simple plugin for a news or blog within Spina CMS

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Spina CMS

Visit the website

Getting Started

This is a News/Blog plugin for Spina CMS based on articles.

gem 'spina-articles'

Run the migration installer to get started.

rails g spina_articles:install

This should copy the migration file required to create the Spina::Article model.

Restart your server and head over to '/admin', you should see your plugin located below the Media Library.

That's all it takes to get the plugin working :)

Consumer views

Note: This plugin does not include the controller or view for the customer facing website, just the admin only.

To get you going you'll need to add the routes:

Spina::Engine.routes.draw do
  resources :articles, only: [:show, :index]

Then create the controller controllers/spina/articles_controller.rb and include your index and show actions:

module Spina
  class ArticlesController < ApplicationController
    layout 'layouts/default/application'

    def index
      @articles = Spina::Article.order(created_at: :desc).all

    def show
      @article ||= Spina::Article.find_by(slug: params[:id])

Finally, create your index and show views in views/spina/articles folder


You can override the locales file for further customization:

      scaffold_name: Career
      scaffold_name_plural: Careers
      title: ! '%{scaffold_name}'
      all: ! 'All %{scaffold_name}'
      new: ! 'New %{scaffold_name}'
      save: ! 'Save %{scaffold_name}'
      delete_confirmation: "Are you sure you want to delete <strong>%{subject}'s</strong> message?"
      empty: ! 'No %{plural} Yet'
TODO: Create categories and tagging

This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.