
Project - Interactive Task Manager. A Web application molded into a game to make you more productive and Efficient.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ITM - Interactive Task Manager

Our Submission folder contains below files and folders: o README.pdf: A readme file that reports our submission. o Team Worksheets: Team worksheet files which we created during the semester o AppDemo.mp4: Our Demo video o CODE: This folder contains our code for the project. The presentation we gave in class is created in Microsoft SWAY. The only disadvantage of the SWAY is that it cannot be downloaded. But it is available publically on internet. So here is the link of our SWAY presentation: https://sway.com/nFOASTN7CGMUl84a Our code is also available on GitHub. GitHub link of our code: https://github.com/kiiiiNNNNNNNNNyyyy/Human-Computer-Interaction We also have published our GitHub code and it is nicely working on as Web Application. Link of published GitHub Website: https://kiiiinnnnnnnnnyyyy.github.io/Human-Computer-Interaction/ We have created our questionnaire form on Google Docs. Here is the link of our questionnaire form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf6qhunY-Mn66ApLbqAIsLaDmdjk2q26ZKswn4_AGjsubxL9g/viewform?c=0&w=1