
A dark blue theme for the Zed editor.

Zed Hivacruz Theme

A dark blue theme for Zed.



Place hivacruz.json in ~/.config/zed/themes, restart Zed and select it from the command palette (Cmd+Shift+P) or (Cmd+K Cmd+T).

Also this theme was added to Zed extensions.


Here is the Zed configuration used that could be seen on the screenshot:

  "theme": "Hivacruz",
  "telemetry": {
    "diagnostics": false,
    "metrics": false
  "git": {
    "inline_blame": {
      "enabled": false
  "ui_font_size": 15,
  "buffer_font_size": 12,
  "buffer_font_family": "RobotoMono-Regular",
  "current_line_highlight": "line",
  "indent_guides": {
    "enabled": true,
    "line_width": 1,
    "active_line_width": 1,
    "coloring": "fixed",
    "background_coloring": "disabled"
  "show_wrap_guides": true,
  "terminal": {
    "font_family": "RobotoMono Nerd Font Mono"
  "cursor_blink": true,

Same theme in other apps

I made similar themes with the same colors for different applications. Here there are:


  • Created by Yann Defretin.
  • Colors inspired by Coda 2.5's Panic Palette by Cabel Sasser.