MinIO is an object storage server, compatible with Amazon S3 cloud storage service, mainly used for storing unstructured data (such as photos, videos, log files, etc.)


$ helm repo add bitnami
$ helm install my-release bitnami/minio


This chart bootstraps a MinIO deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.

Bitnami charts can be used with Kubeapps for deployment and management of Helm Charts in clusters. This Helm chart has been tested on top of Bitnami Kubernetes Production Runtime (BKPR). Deploy BKPR to get automated TLS certificates, logging and monitoring for your applications.


  • Kubernetes 1.12+
  • Helm 2.12+ or Helm 3.0-beta3+
  • PV provisioner support in the underlying infrastructure
  • ReadWriteMany volumes for deployment scaling

Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the release name my-release:

$ helm repo add bitnami
$ helm install my-release bitnami/minio

These commands deploy MinIO on the Kubernetes cluster in the default configuration. The Parameters section lists the parameters that can be configured during installation.

Tip: List all releases using helm list

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the my-release deployment:

$ helm delete my-release

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the MinIO chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
global.imageRegistry Global Docker image registry nil
global.imagePullSecrets Global Docker registry secret names as an array [] (does not add image pull secrets to deployed pods)
global.storageClass Global storage class for dynamic provisioning nil
global.minio.existingSecret Name of existing secret to use for MinIO credentials (overrides existingSecret) nil
global.minio.accessKey MinIO Access Key (overrides accessKey.password) nil
global.minio.secretKey MinIO Secret Key (overrides secretKey.password) nil
image.registry MinIO image registry
image.repository MinIO image name bitnami/minio
image.tag MinIO image tag {TAG_NAME}
image.pullPolicy Image pull policy IfNotPresent
image.pullSecrets Specify docker-registry secret names as an array [] (does not add image pull secrets to deployed pods)
image.debug Specify if debug logs should be enabled false
nameOverride String to partially override minio.fullname template with a string (will prepend the release name) nil
fullnameOverride String to fully override minio.fullname template with a string nil
serviceAccount.create Specifies whether a ServiceAccount should be created true If serviceAccount.create is enabled, what should the serviceAccount name be - otherwise defaults to the fullname nil
clusterDomain Kubernetes cluster domain cluster.local
clientImage.registry MinIO Client image registry
clientImage.repository MinIO Client image name bitnami/minio-client
clientImage.tag MinIO Client image tag {TAG_NAME}
volumePermissions.enabled Enable init container that changes volume permissions in the data directory (for cases where the default k8s runAsUser and fsUser values do not work) false
volumePermissions.image.registry Init container volume-permissions image registry
volumePermissions.image.repository Init container volume-permissions image name bitnami/minideb
volumePermissions.image.tag Init container volume-permissions image tag buster
volumePermissions.image.pullPolicy Init container volume-permissions image pull policy Always
volumePermissions.resources Init container resource requests/limit nil
mode MinIO server mode (standalone or distributed) standalone
statefulset.replicaCount Number of pods (only for Minio distributed mode). Should be 4 <= x <= 32 4
statefulset.updateStrategy Statefulset update strategy policy RollingUpdate
statefulset.podManagementpolicy Statefulset pods management policy Parallel
deployment.updateStrategy Deployment update strategy policy Recreate
existingSecret Existing secret with MinIO credentials nil
useCredentialsFile Have the secret mounted as a file instead of env vars false
forceNewKeys Force admin credentials (access and secret key) to be reconfigured every time they change in the secrets false
accessKey.password MinIO Access Key. Ignored if existing secret is provided. random 10 character alphanumeric string
accessKey.forcePassword Force users to specify an Access Key false
secretKey.password MinIO Secret Key. Ignored if existing secret is provided. random 40 character alphanumeric string
secretKey.forcePassword Force users to specify an Secret Key false
defaultBuckets Comma, semi-colon or space separated list of buckets to create (only in standalone mode) nil
disableWebUI Disable MinIO Web UI false
extraEnv Any extra environment variables you would like to pass to the pods {}
resources Minio containers' resources {}
podAnnotations Pod annotations {}
affinity Map of node/pod affinities {} (The value is evaluated as a template)
nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {} (The value is evaluated as a template)
tolerations Tolerations for pod assignment [] (The value is evaluated as a template)
securityContext.enabled Enable security context true
securityContext.fsGroup Group ID for the container 1001
securityContext.runAsUser User ID for the container 1001
livenessProbe.enabled Enable/disable the Liveness probe true
livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Delay before liveness probe is initiated 60
livenessProbe.periodSeconds How often to perform the probe 10
livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds When the probe times out 5
livenessProbe.successThreshold Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed. 1
livenessProbe.failureThreshold Minimum consecutive failures for the probe to be considered failed after having succeeded. 6
readinessProbe.enabled Enable/disable the Readiness probe true
readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Delay before readiness probe is initiated 5
readinessProbe.periodSeconds How often to perform the probe 10
readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds When the probe times out 5
readinessProbe.failureThreshold Minimum consecutive failures for the probe to be considered failed after having succeeded. 6
readinessProbe.successThreshold Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed. 1
persistence.enabled Use a PVC to persist data true
persistence.mountPath Path to mount the volume at /data
persistence.storageClass Storage class of backing PVC nil (uses alpha storage class annotation)
persistence.accessMode Use volume as ReadOnly or ReadWrite ReadWriteOnce
persistence.size Size of data volume 8Gi
persistence.annotations Persistent Volume annotations {}
persistence.existingClaim Name of an existing PVC to use (only in "standalone" mode) nil
service.type Kubernetes Service type ClusterIP
service.port MinIO service port 9000
service.nodePort Port to bind to for NodePort service type nil
service.loadBalancerIP Static IP Address to use for LoadBalancer service type nil
service.annotations Kubernetes service annotations {}
ingress.enabled Enable/disable ingress false
ingress.certManager Add annotations for cert-manager false
ingress.annotations Ingress annotations []
ingress.hosts[0].name Hostname to your MinIO installation minio.local
ingress.hosts[0].path Path within the url structure /
ingress.hosts[0].tls Utilize TLS backend in ingress false
ingress.hosts[0].tlsHosts Array of TLS hosts for ingress record (defaults to ingress.hosts[0].name if nil) nil
ingress.hosts[0].tlsSecret TLS Secret (certificates) minio.local-tls
ingress.secrets[0].name TLS Secret Name nil
ingress.secrets[0].certificate TLS Secret Certificate nil
ingress.secrets[0].key TLS Secret Key nil
networkPolicy.enabled Enable NetworkPolicy false
networkPolicy.allowExternal Don't require client label for connections true
prometheusAuthType Authentication mode for Prometheus (jwt or public) public

Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install. For example,

$ helm install my-release \
  --set accessKey.password=minio-access-key \
  --set secretKey.password=minio-secret-key \

The above command sets the MinIO Server access key and secret key to minio-access-key and minio-secret-key, respectively.

Alternatively, a YAML file that specifies the values for the parameters can be provided while installing the chart. For example,

$ helm install my-release -f values.yaml bitnami/minio

Tip: You can use the default values.yaml

Configuration and installation details

It is strongly recommended to use immutable tags in a production environment. This ensures your deployment does not change automatically if the same tag is updated with a different image.

Bitnami will release a new chart updating its containers if a new version of the main container, significant changes, or critical vulnerabilities exist.

Production configuration

This chart includes a values-production.yaml file where you can find some parameters oriented to production configuration in comparison to the regular values.yaml. You can use this file instead of the default one.

  • MinIO server mode:
- mode: standalone
+ mode: distributed
  • Disable MinIO Web UI:
- disableWebUI: false
+ disableWebUI: true
  • Annotations to be added to pods:
- podAnnotations: {}
+ podAnnotations:
+ "true"
+ "/minio/prometheus/metrics"
+ "9000"
  • Pod resources:
- resources: {}
+ resources:
+   requests:
+     memory: 256Mi
+     cpu: 250m
  • Enable NetworkPolicy:
- networkPolicy.enabled: false
+ networkPolicy.enabled: true
  • Don't require client label for connections:
- networkPolicy.allowExternal: true
+ networkPolicy.allowExternal: false
  • Change Prometheus authentication:
- prometheusAuthType: public
+ prometheusAuthType: jwt

Distributed mode

You can start the MinIO chart in distributed mode with the following parameter: mode=distributed

This chart sets Minio server in distributed mode with 4 nodes by default. You can change the number of nodes setting the statefulset.replicaCount parameter, for example to statefulset.replicaCount=8

Note: that the number of replicas must even, greater than 4 and lower than 32

Prometheus exporter

MinIO exports Prometheus metrics at /minio/prometheus/metrics. To allow Prometheus collecting your MinIO metrics, modify the values.yaml adding the corresponding annotations:

- podAnnotations: {}
+ podAnnotations:
+ "true"
+ "/minio/prometheus/metrics"
+ "9000"

Find more information about MinIO metrics at


The Bitnami MinIO image stores data at the /data path of the container.

The chart mounts a Persistent Volume at this location. The volume is created using dynamic volume provisioning.

Adjust permissions of persistent volume mountpoint

As the image run as non-root by default, it is necessary to adjust the ownership of the persistent volume so that the container can write data into it.

By default, the chart is configured to use Kubernetes Security Context to automatically change the ownership of the volume. However, this feature does not work in all Kubernetes distributions. As an alternative, this chart supports using an initContainer to change the ownership of the volume before mounting it in the final destination.

You can enable this initContainer by setting volumePermissions.enabled to true.