
This sample plug-in fills in the number fields of a table with its row number.

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

[Sample plug-in: Table Numbering Plug-in]

Purpose of the Sample Plug-in

This sample plug-in is available for educational purposes.
Use this plug-in to understand how Kintone plug-ins work, and how they are structured. A non-packaged version written with a single JavaScript file can be found here https://kintone.dev/en/tutorials/autofill-data/insert-row-numbers-into-tables/

What the plug-in does

This sample plug-in automatically adds row numbers to table rows each time the record is saved. The numbers are inserted into a number field in the table and automatically re-number themselves when the record is edited and re-saved.

Plug-in directory structure

This sample plug-in is created with the following directory structure.

├── html/
│        └──── config.html
├── css/
│        ├──── 51-modern-default.css
│        └──── config.css
├── js/
│        ├──── config.js
│        └──── desktop.js
├── image/
│        └──── icon.png
└── manifest.json

How to use

To simply test out the plug-in on your Kintone domain, follow these steps:

  1. Download the plug-in zip file
    Reference: https://github.com/kintone-samples/SAMPLE-Table-numbering-plug-in/releases
  2. Install the plug-in into your domain
    Reference: https://get.kintone.help/hc/en-us/articles/115001519707-Installing-Viewing-Plug-ins
  3. Add the plug-in to a specific Kintone App
    Reference: https://get.kintone.help/hc/en-us/articles/115001511188-Adding-Plug-ins-to-an-App
  4. Make sure that a table with a number field as one of the fields in each row is added to the App form.
  5. Click the + button on the Record List page to start adding a new record. Add multiple rows to the table and save the record. See that the number fields have automatically been filled in with the row numbers.

How to modify

  1. Fork to your repo
  2. Make changes to files under /src
  3. Repackage the plug-in by:
    i. Zipping the manifest.json file, css directory, html directory, image directory and js directory into one zip file.
    ii. Packaging the file using kintone plug-in packer.

Pull Request Policy

As this repo exists for educational purposes, we will most likely turn down pull requests that contain updates with new features.
Please feel free to host plug-ins with new features on your own repository.
Bug fixes are happily accepted.

More information

More detailed information on the plug-in can be found here https://kintone.dev/en/plugins/simple-samples/table-numbering-plug-in/