
Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Kintone Java Client

API client library for Kintone REST APIs on Java.


  • For projects using Gradle
    Add dependency declaration in build.gradle of your project.
    dependencies {
        implementation 'com.kintone:kintone-java-client:2.2.1'
  • For projects using Maven
    Add dependency declaration in pom.xml of your project.


Java 8 and later version is supported.

Basic Usage

Let show some short examples of this library. For more information, read documents.


// Creates a client that uses Password authentication
KintoneClient client = KintoneClientBuilder.create("https://{your Kintone domain}.cybozu.com")
                                           .authByPassword(username, password)

Getting Records

// Gets a record
Record record = client.record().getRecord(1, 100);
String text = record.getSingleLineTextFieldValue("field1");

// Gets records that maches the query
List<Record> records = client.record().getRecords(1, "number > 100");

Adding a Record

Record record = new Record();
record.putField("field1", new SingleLineTextFieldValue("Hello World");
long recordId = client.record().addRecord(1, record);

App Settings

// Gets general information of an App
App app = client.app().getApp(1);

// Create a new App
long appId = client.app().addApp("New App");

// Add a field
Map<String, FieldProperty> properties = new HashMap<>();
properties.put("number", new NumberFieldProperty().setLabel("Number").setCode("number"));
client.app().addFormFields(appId, properties);

// Deploy an App
AppDeployStatus status = client.app().getDeployStatus(appId);


The client holdes some resources inside it. Be sure to release them by calling KintoneClient#close().



This library is built using Gradle.

Run the following command to build a JAR file of this library.

$ ./gradlew clean jar

Contribution Guide



Cybozu, Inc.
