
book of ice and fire backend api service


Back-end rails Api app

Built for the book of ice api as as service to run background jobs and thread do bulk tasks Nodejs Back-end Api https://github.com/kinyodan/books-app-node-api

Built a Back-end API applicatiion to serve the Nodejs Back-end Api.Some Data retrival and api calls from and the Iceand fire api took to long to query per request.

So need to take advantage of threading to increase perfomance and also background Jobs to retrive the data in the and ave to database.

Built a Rails API as an RPC service to the node to run the lengthy tasks and have data already saved and packaged for the front-end requests.

Build Setup

App built with Ruby on rails 6

# To build locally clone repo and cd to clone folder--
# install dependencies
$ Bundle install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ rails s

Work flow Diagram

click here to open the workflow architecture documentation and ERD

API Documentation

Api documentation is on postman link to postman collection here Api documentation

All project repos are below

Front End UI https://github.com/kinyodan/book-of-ice-ui

Nodejs Back-end Api https://github.com/kinyodan/books-app-node-api