API Documentation
//Work in progress.
Example Response:
account: "steemmonsters"
active_auth_ops: […]
alpha_xp: [20, 100, 250, 1000]
asset_url: "https://d36mxiodymuqjm.cloudfront.net/"
battles: {…}
beta_gold_xp: [200, 400, 800, 2000]
beta_xp: [15, 75, 175, 750]
supported_currencies: […]
timestamp: 1573117479346
transfer_cooldown_blocks: 201600
trx_price: 0.0198557
usd_enabled: true
version: "0.7.0"
xp_levels: […]
General game settings including market prices of DEC and TRX.
Example Response:
block_id: "0242021dc93ce1ccca2794d7b58bf2e8c431465c"
block_num: 37880349
created_date: "2019-11-04T12:46:55.560Z"
data: "{"type":"daily"}"
error: null
id: "09c8ac9db08d246696fa795cbf03ff07b83303e6"
player: "buffnecked-ibis"
prev_block_id: "0242021c1db4e5e4c31b7d5ff819352194e7d400"
result: "{…}"
sbd_price: "0.717364"
steem_price: "0.149986"
success: true
type: "sm_start_quest"
Gets 1000 Splinterlands transactions starting from the target block.
Example Response:
card_detail_id: 1
edition: 0
gold: false
num_burned: "159"
num_cards: "8026"
total_burned_xp: "5540"
total_xp: "879140"
Example Response:
color: "Red"
created_block_num: null
distribution: […]
drop_rate: 80
editions: "0,1"
id: 1
is_starter: false
last_update_tx: null
name: "Goblin Shaman"
rarity: 1
stats: {…}
sub_type: null
total_printed: 174855
type: "Monster"
Example Response:
alpha_xp: null
buy_price: null
card_detail_id: 79
delegated_to: null
delegation_tx: null
details: {…}
edition: 3
gold: false
last_transferred_block: 36440204
last_used_block: 36300473
market_id: null
player: "kiokizz"
skin: null
uid: "C3-79-UUT7TSLVN4"
xp: 0
Lists every card in a players collection.
Example Response:
error: "Promo code: [K5XF-7N1N] has already been used."
valid: false
Example Response:
booster_pack_price: 2
market_fee: 500
paypal_acct: "matt@steemmonsters.com"
paypal_sandbox: false
sbd_price: 0.7203524
starter_pack_price: 10
starter_pack_price_account_create: 10
steem_price: 0.1502343
usd_enabled: true
Example Response:
Example Response:
card_detail_id: 1
edition: 0
gold: false
high_price: 302.99
low_price: 0.294
low_price_bcx: 0.148936170212766
qty: 103
Example Response:
buy_price: "0.020"
cards: [{…}]
completed_date: null
created_date: "2019-11-05T09:50:40.001Z"
currency: "USD"
desc: null
expiration_date: null
fee_percent: 500
id: 3078824
lock_block: null
locked_by: null
num_cards: 1
payment: null
purchaser: null
sell_trx_id: "d8f8593d637ebdd0bca7994dd7e1a15d9f12efa7-0"
seller: "kiokizz"
starting_price: null
status: 0
transaction_id: null
type: "SELL"
Example Response:
buy_price: "0.970"
card_detail_id: 25
card_id: "C1-25-OWZ9GQKUFK"
completed_date: "2019-10-29T23:44:21.775Z"
created_date: "2019-10-29T23:26:36.246Z"
currency: "USD"
desc: null
edition: 1
expiration_date: null
fee_percent: 500
gold: false
id: 3047243
lock_block: null
locked_by: null
num_cards: 1
payment: "1059.183 DEC"
purchaser: "kiokizz"
sell_trx_id: "24c791da3d73e90d860939d0f54a5f8dd28fabbe-0"
seller: "luckyice"
starting_price: null
status: 1
transaction_id: "691ed9c606c623d6acb72f6debdda90242cf1cf4"
type: "SELL"
xp: 440
Example Response:
amount_usd: "20.00"
bonus_quantity: 0
completed_date: "2018-09-11T18:24:12.786Z"
created_date: "2018-09-11T18:19:58.801Z"
currency: "USD"
edition: null
merchant: null
payment: "28.043 STEEM"
player: "sacred-agent"
quantity: 10
status: 1
transaction_id: "366d91018a989b24e519b97edab9f364e90d7a90"
type: "booster_pack"
uid: "P-2H7MGOOU74"
Example Response:
0: {season: 26, player: "th12-huracan", rating: 5382, battles: 748, wins: 474, longest_streak: 13,…}
battles: 748
guild_data: "{"crest":{"banner":"gold","decal":"globe"}}"
guild_id: "0f886154be77fbe157547c7058af16a501e0d614"
guild_name: "M00N"
longest_streak: 13
max_rating: 5382
player: "th12-huracan"
rank: "1"
rating: 5382
reward_claim_tx: "01f1042ee085df8bb7b220b0e61f6789329661be"
season: 26
wins: 474
1: {season: 26, player: "th12-diablo", rating: 5373, battles: 805, wins: 474, longest_streak: 12,…}
2: {season: 26, player: "bji1203", rating: 5326, battles: 383, wins: 257, longest_streak: 17,…}
See Leaderboard - Current Season
Example Response:
battle_queue_id_1: "dcfc3739231d52b722531ba319bb82b658d63f56"
battle_queue_id_2: "00374cfaf25bee57358e2b72a01b031781ebd30f"
block_num: 37932809
created_date: "2019-11-06T08:35:18.631Z"
current_streak: 2
dec_info: "{…}"
details: "{"seed":"e50144ba8997191038fe6381fd689339","rounds"
inactive: "Black,Red"
mana_cap: 30
match_type: "Ranked"
player_1: "sensful"
player_1_rating_final: 4190
player_1_rating_initial: 4175
player_2: "vaansteam"
player_2_rating_final: 4078
player_2_rating_initial: 4093
rshares: 20510572
ruleset: "Broken Arrows"
settings: null
winner: "sensful"
Last 50 Matches for target player. See Top - Last 50 Matches.
Example Response:
app: null
created_block_num: 37852963
created_date: "2019-11-03T13:54:48.000Z"
expiration_block_num: 37853023
expiration_date: "2019-11-03T13:57:48.000Z"
id: "53d989a49ce9f8d15d945240f2621682b26b552d"
inactive: "Black,White"
mana_cap: 26
match_block_num: 37852970
match_date: "2019-11-03T13:55:09.000Z"
match_type: "Ranked"
opponent: "89eb915b4c3356462ca4d02c99213d27d1217ad2"
opponent_player: "stranger27"
opponent_team_hash: "523e5673a683d8e1842bd8db11737a04"
player: "boatbilled-heron"
reveal_block_id: "37853016"
reveal_tx: "b317ca6b468f1eca959715e0e948e8dd04fda702"
ruleset: "Earthquake"
settings: null
status: 2
submit_expiration_block_num: 37853016
submit_expiration_date: "2019-11-03T13:57:27.000Z"
summoner_level: null
team: "{…}"
team_hash: "5c32b85eb1d319ef3ec546aa0feb0975"
Example Response: no match pending
Example Response: match
id: "53f32d43b2a87dc4dad5fb92de8b4190b5e2f354"
created_block_num: 39858880
expiration_block_num: 39858940
player: "kiokizz"
team_hash: null
match_type: "Ranked"
mana_cap: null
opponent: null
match_block_num: null
status: 0
reveal_tx: null
reveal_block_id: null
team: null
summoner_level: null
ruleset: null
inactive: null
opponent_player: null
opponent_team_hash: null
submit_expiration_block_num: null
settings: null
app: null
created_date: "2020-01-12T08:38:30.000Z"
expiration_date: "2020-01-12T08:41:30.000Z"
match_date: null
submit_expiration_date: null
Example Response:
created_by: "splinterlands"
cur_player_entered: "0"
current_round: null
data: {rating_level: 2, allowed_cards: "gold_only", best_of: 3,…}
description: "…"
entrants: "84"
entry_fee: "250 DEC"
id: "d450ea371efbdbcd89c2c5dc0734a37839d4b0ff"
max_entrants: null
min_entrants: 4
name: "The Golden Rule (Silver)"
password_pub_key: null
sponsor_logo_url: "…"
sponsor_logo_url_lg: "…"
sponsor_logo_url_med: "…"
sponsor_name: "Splinterlands"
start_date: "2019-11-21T13:00:00.000Z"
status: 0
total_prizes_usd: 38
Example Response:
Example Response:
created_by: "splinterlands"
cur_player_entered: "0"
current_round: 6
data: {rating_level: 2, allowed_cards: "alpha_only", best_of: 3,…}
description: "…"
entrants: "65"
entry_fee: "250 DEC"
id: "da3d4e350909315089b4fd4fc41d21fa508732ae"
max_entrants: null
min_entrants: 4
name: "Bring your (silver) A-Game"
password_pub_key: null
sponsor_logo_url: "…"
sponsor_logo_url_lg: "…"
sponsor_logo_url_med: "…"
sponsor_name: "Splinterlands"
start_date: "2019-11-21T05:00:00.000Z"
status: 2
total_prizes_usd: 38
Example Response:
checkin_msg_sent: true
created_block: 32124192
created_by: "steemmonsters"
created_date: "2019-04-17T13:30:03.000Z"
current_round: 7
data: {rating_level: 3, allowed_cards: "all", best_of: 3,…}
description: "I've never seen…"
entry_fee: "5 STEEM"
format: "single_elimination"
id: "545a2a4162796d720ed26e9951c806dab673d495"
max_entrants: null
min_entrants: 4
name: "All the Pointy Things"
password_pub_key: null
payment: null
payment_data: "[{"currency":"STEEM","amount":0,"paid":314.829,"trx_id":"…"}]"
players: […]
qualifiers: 24
rounds: […] sponsor_logo_url: "…"
sponsor_logo_url_lg: "…"
sponsor_logo_url_med: "…"
sponsor_name: "Splinterlands"
sponsor_url: "https://api.splinterlands.io"
start_date: "2019-04-27T14:00:00.000Z"
status: 2
total_prizes_usd: 128
total_rounds: 7
Example Response:
battles: [{matchup_id: 27964, index: 0, battle_queue_id_1: "…",…},…]
best_of: 3
id: 27964
index: 0
player_1: "deathcloud"
player_1_wins: 1
player_2: "jacekw"
player_2_wins: 2
round: 3
tournament_id: "a76f9cec935fdfbe1598876b3f753a3577ff64c3"
winner: "jacekw"
Example Response:
0: {player: "ottermaker", token: "BETA", balance: 0}
balance: 0
player: "ottermaker"
token: "BETA"
1: {player: "ottermaker", token: "DEC", balance: 232373.361}
balance: 232373.361
player: "ottermaker"
token: "DEC"
2: {player: "ottermaker", token: "ECR", balance: null, last_reward_block: null}
balance: null
last_reward_block: null
player: "ottermaker"
token: "ECR"
Example Response:
battles: 64162
capture_rate: 6630
champion_points: 61
current_streak: 3
guild: {…}
join_date: "2018-06-01T02:04:20.076Z"
last_reward_block: 37926905
longest_streak: 62
max_rank: 283
max_rating: 4161
name: "kiokizz"
rank: "833"
rating: 1924
season_details: {…}
starter_pack_purchase: true
wins: 28584
More detailed player settings. Known to update more slowly than Player Settings - General.
Example Response:
claim_date: "2019-11-06T03:41:18.917Z"
claim_trx_id: "4a191c60448b9116529e2692bae9b964a4e9ed8e"
completed_items: 5
created_block: 37911338
created_date: "2019-11-05T14:39:51.537Z"
id: "cfb4854676784c161036496464d1523b75446279"
name: "Stir the Volcano"
player: "kiokizz"
rating: 1924
refresh_trx_id: null
reward_qty: 6
total_items: 5
Example Response:
battles: 13154
join_date: "2018-10-30T05:35:27.203Z"
name: "sm-starter-beta"
rating: 781
starter_pack_purchase: true
Example Response:
data: "{"contributions":{"quest_lodge":57}}"
guild_id: "d14d94bfab9f2532e26c33732cdba602d316f5bf"
is_online: false
join_date: "2019-07-29T23:17:00.000Z"
player: "lava-heron"
rank: 1
rating: 3320
status: "active"
Example Response:
announcements: []
buildings: "{"guild_hall":{"level":6,"contributions":210000},"quest_lodge":{"level":6,"contributions":555}}"
created_date: "2019-07-29T23:13:12.000Z"
data: "{"crest":{"banner":"blue","decal":null}}"
description: "Guild for Herons Unlimited accounts.…"
id: "d14d94bfab9f2532e26c33732cdba602d316f5bf"
language: "English"
level: 6
membership_type: "invite_only"
motto: "Herons Unlimited"
name: "Herons Unlimited"
num_members: "21"
owner: "zigzag-heron"
rank: "14"
rating: "52409"