SWF translator

An attempt to emulate SWF in HTML5 environment. WebGL2 is required.



  • NodeJS >= 12

Build source code:

yarn install
yarn build

Translate SWF tags:

node packages/swf-translator/dist/index.js build-swf <path to swf> <output directory>

Translate AS3 source code:

node packages/swf-translator/dist/index.js build-as3 <AS3 source directory> <output directory>

Assembly required to run the output, some hints:

  • Alias swf-lib in output source code to the compiled swf-lib package.
  • Bundle character definition JSON: JSON.stringify the variable bundle in character index.js.
  • Construct asset manifest:
      "data": "data",
      "properties": {}, // embed properties.json
      "assets": {
        "data": {
          "url": "./data.json", // path to bundled character definition JSON
          "size": 0, // zero if no need of progress report
        "character1": {
          "url": "./character1.png",
          "size": 0,
        // etc.
  • Start the SWF:
    import lib from "swf-lib";
    const manifest = { /* ... */ };
    const library = await lib.__internal.loadManifest(manifest);
    const stage = new lib.flash.display.Stage(library.properties);
    stage.__withContext(() => stage.addChild(library.instantiateCharacter(0)))();

Technical documentation
