
Helps with Vite generated app Twig integration, no less, no more ("Vite fait, bien fait").

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Vite integration

Helps with Vite generated app Twig integration, no less, no more ("Vite fait, bien fait").

Basic usage:

  • install it,
  • create one or many vite applications, or a single one with multiple entry points (really, your architecture or methodology doesn't matter),
  • copy or set the output build path for each app each in its own directory under the Symfony public/ directory,
  • register each application manifest.json file in this bundle configuration,
  • use {{ vite_asset('app_name', 'file_name) }} where you need it.

And that's it. Twig functions will only return a URL string, it's your job to pass options to whatever tag you embedded it. Your application, your rules.

Packages does not specify and Symfony dependency or version constraint. It should in theory work with any 5.0 version and above. Untested yet with Symfony 6.x that adds returns types all over the place.


  • Suport dev server, allowing configuring host name, port and base path on a per-app basis.
  • Allow changing the hardcoded dev mode being set only when environement is dev by configuration.
  • That's pretty much what we need I guess.
  • Test it with Symfony 6.x.


Install it


composer require makinacorpus/vite-bundle

Then add into your config/bundles.php file:


return [
    // ... your other bundles.
    MakinaCorpus\ViteBundle\ViteBundle::class => ['all' => true],

There is no specific configuration aside Vite apps registration as documented below. Every step is important so please take time to read.

Building your Vite application

We are going to consider that you already have one, and it's outside of the Symfony project root.

You need to set a few options into your vite.config.js file:

import { defineConfig } from 'vite';

// https://vitejs.dev/config/
export default defineConfig({
  // ... your configuraiton.
  build: {
    emptyOutDir: true,
    manifest: true,
    outDir: "../app/public/some-vite-app",
    // The rest is up to you.
  rollupOptions: {
    input: 'src/main.ts',

The most important detail here is that this bundle requires that you build a manifest.json file, otherwise it'll be unable to find files to include.

If you need to include the main.ts file generated asset, you need it to be specified in rollupOptions.input option, otherwise it won't appear in the manifest file.

Then build it with whatever npm or yarn tool you are used to:

npm run build
yarn build
# ...

Register it in the bundle

Create the config/packages/vite.yaml file:

        # Using an absolute path.
            manifest: "%kernel.project_dir%/public/some-vite-app/manifest.json"

        # Using a "public/" relative path.
            manifest: "some-vite-app/manifest.json"

Beware we require that it must be under the public/ directory.

Put some assets anywhere you need it

Edit any Twig file:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"/>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ vite_asset('some-vite-app', 'styles.css') }}"/>
<script crossorigin type="module" src="{{ vite_asset('some-vite-app', 'index.js') }}"></script>
<script type="module">
  {# Any code that uses code from your built module needs to be declared
     as a module itself, because modules are loaded way further in time
     than common scripts. #}
  <div id="app"></div>

A word about manifest.json parsing

When your environment is dev, manifest.json files are not parsed during container compilation, but at runtime when first accessed. This means that you don't need any further operation when rebuilding your Vite app.

For all other environements, manifest.json files are parsed during container compilation, entries are cached into the container itself: you will need to rebuild caches when you redeploy your app.

If you need to be able to configure environment or need a different behavior, please open an issue, any improvement or suggestion is welcome.

Dev mode

... is sadly not supported yet, but it will be soon.


A few alternatives exist, at least those:

All three have taken a different paths. Biggest different with this package is we do not attempt to replicate symfony/webpack-encore-bundle on its own. We consider that if you are interested in Vite and willing to use it, simply create a vanilla Vite project: this bundle will only give you a way to easily import its assets into Twig templates.