
GTK Python app for raising rest break popup for pomodoro technique

Primary LanguagePython

Pomodoro popup

The "pomodoro" technique is very handy in programming, it helps not to dive into "tunneling" and makes your work more pleasure and refreshing.

What is this?

The technique I use can be described in several steps:

  1. Choose a task and set timer for 25 minutes.
  2. Start timer and work on the task (we call it "start pomodoro")
  3. Write a note about your progress done. Stop pomodoro.
  4. Rest for 3-5 minutes by walking, doing some music, etc.
  5. After being refreshed and done some gym, repeat step 1.

pomodoro_popup.py -- is a simple Python GTK app, that every 25 minutes raises a popup window reminding you to stop pomodoro and rest.


pygtk >= 2.0, gtk


Just run it by:

python pomodoro_popup.py

