
This is the a clone of the famous Instagram Web application developed all from scratch using the help of Django Framework.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Instagram Clone

This is a Python web application using Django framework and Postgresql, 2019


This is a web application handcrafted and developed using Django framework, Its an Instagram Clone a social media application where its sole purpose is to connect millions of people across the Globe. Alt text Alt text

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • A PC mainly with an Operating system.
  • Python3.6 or later is installed in your PC.
  • Postgresql installed
  • clone the directory into your local machine
  • navigate to the cloned folder by cd Instagram_clone
  • Create a virtual environment
  • run source virtual/bin/activate
  • install Django pip install django=1.11
  • pip install requirements.txt
  • run python3.6 manage.py runserver
  • The application should work
  • for the test run python manage.py test instagram

Known Bugs

NO known bugs as at the moment please reach to us if you see any.

Behavior Driven Development

Behavior Input example Output example
The user should see the landing page on first sight "https://www.insta.com" Home
The application should provide an option to register or login to the app login/register true
The application should authenticate Users base on details the user provides password/username access or no access
The user should be redirected to home page once logged in access home page
The user should view different views or post or images from different people --- photos
The application should be able to restrict unauthorized users from accessing some parts of the application view true/false
The user should be able to update his/her profile any time profile update True
The user should be able to follow other users in the application follow True
The user should be able to comment and like Posts like/comment True
The user should be able to logout at will logout True

Technologies Used

main languages used are

  • Python
  • Material design
  • WhiteNoise
  • Amazon s3
  • JavaScript
  • CSS
  • Django
  • PostgreSQL Database

Support and contact details

Email collinskipkemoi24@gmail.com


License is under MIT 2019 view Full License here MIT Copyright (c) 2019 collins kipkemoi This software is free to use and distribute, Therefore all rights and given to any user to modify and either use for Commercial purpose or local purpose.