
Kipopay payment gateway library OOP (PHP)

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

PHP Kipo KPG Library: make payment easy with kipo

Latest Stable Version

PHP Kipo KPG Library make it easy to stablish payment with kipo gateway.

KipoPay Company logo


To install PHP Kipo KPG Library, simply:

$ composer require kipolaboratory/kipo-kpg

For latest commit version:

$ composer require kipolaboratory/kipo-kpg @dev


PHP Kipo KPG Library works with PHP 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2.

Quick Start and Examples

Initial Kipo KPG and request shoping key from kipo server.

use kipolaboratory\KipoPay\KipoKPG;

 * Initial Kipo Library and craete object from that class
 * Merchant key is merchant phone number
$kipo = new KipoKPG(['merchant_key' => '09*********']);

 * Replace "YOUR CALLBACK URL" and "AMOUNT" with what you want
 * KPGInitiate return ARRAY for result
 * Successful - ['status' => true, 'shopping_key' => SHOPING_KEY]
 * Failed - ['status' => false, 'message' => ERROR_MESAGE, 'code' => ERROR_CODE]
$kpg_initiate = $kipo->KPGInitiate(AMOUNT, 'YOUR CALLBACK URL');

if ($kpg_initiate['status']) {
     * Store $kpg_initiate['shopping_key'] to session to verfiy
     * payment after user came back from gateway
     * Call renderForm function to render a html form and send
     * user to Kipo KPG Gateway (you can create this form manually
     * where you want - form example is at the end of Quick Start
} else {
     * Show error to user
     * You can call getErrorMessage and send error code to that
     * and get error message
     * $kipo->getErrorMessage(ERROR_CODE)

Verify payment after user return back to CALLBACK URL

 * Replace "SHOPPING_KEY" with your SHOPPING_KEY that you taken from
 * Initiate function
 * KPGInquery return ARRAY for result
 * Successful - ['status' => true, 'referent_code' => REFERENT_CODE, 'amount' => PAYMENT_AMOUNT]
 * Failed - ['status' => false, 'message' => ERROR_MESAGE, 'code' => ERROR_CODE]
$kpg_inquery = $kipo->KPGInquery(SHOPPING_KEY);
// Get shopping key after KPGInitiate called
// Get referent code after KPGInquery called


// URL of Kipo KPG - https://webgate.kipopay.com/
// Shopping key must post to this url with SK name

HTML Form to transfer user to KPG

<form id="kipopay-gateway" method="post" action="KIPO_WEBGATE_URL" style="display: none;">
    <input type="hidden" id="sk" name="sk" value="SHOPING_KEY"/>
<script language="javascript">document.forms['kipopay-gateway'].submit();</script>

Error code and messages

  • -1: There is a problem with request parameters, please check them out (initial payment)
  • -2: There is a problem with parse requested data (please request again later)
  • -3: Connection error, API can't connect to KIPO server
  • -4: There is a problem with request parameters, please check them out (verify payment)
  • -5: Payment canceled by user or there is a problem
  • -6: Invalid Merchant key (Merchant mobile number)
  • -7: Minimum payment must be atleast 1.000 Rials
  • -8: Maximum payment must be 100.000.000 Rials
  • -9: Invalid payment token (shoping key) format