
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

0x03. AirBnB clone - Deploy static DevOps Python SysAdmin Scripting CI/CD By: Guillaume, CTO at Holberton School Weight: 1 Project will start Jan 10, 2024 6:00 AM, must end by Jan 12, 2024 6:00 AM Checker will be released at Jan 10, 2024 6:00 PM An auto review will be launched at the deadline Concepts For this project, we expect you to look at these concepts:

CI/CD AirBnB clone Background Context Ever since you completed project 0x0F. Load balancer of the SysAdmin track, you’ve had 2 web servers + 1 load balancer but nothing to distribute with them.

It’s time to make your work public!

In this first deployment project, you will be deploying your web_static work. You will use Fabric (for Python3). Fabric is a Python library and command-line tool for streamlining the use of SSH for application deployment or systems administration tasks. It provides a basic suite of operations for executing local or remote shell commands (normally or via sudo) and uploading/downloading files, as well as auxiliary functionality such as prompting the running user for input, or aborting execution. This concept is important: execute commands locally or remotely. Locally means in your laptop (physical laptop or inside your Vagrant), and Remotely means on your server(s). Fabric is taking care of all network connections (SSH, SCP etc.), it’s an easy tool for transferring, executing, etc. commands from locale to a remote server.

Before starting, please fork the repository AirBnB_clone_v2 from your partner if you don’t have it

Resources Read or watch:

How to use Fabric How to use Fabric in Python Fabric and command line options CI/CD concept page Nginx configuration for beginners Difference between root and alias on NGINX Fabric for Python 3 Fabric Documentation Learning Objectives At the end of this project, you are expected to be able to explain to anyone, without the help of Google:

General What is Fabric How to deploy code to a server easily What is a tgz archive How to execute Fabric command locally How to execute Fabric command remotely How to transfer files with Fabric How to manage Nginx configuration What is the difference between root and alias in a Nginx configuration Copyright - Plagiarism You are tasked to come up with solutions for the tasks below yourself to meet with the above learning objectives. You will not be able to meet the objectives of this or any following project by copying and pasting someone else’s work. You are not allowed to publish any content of this project. Any form of plagiarism is strictly forbidden and will result in removal from the program. Requirements Python Scripts Allowed editors: vi, vim, emacs All your files will be interpreted/compiled on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS using python3 (version 3.4.0) All your files should end with a new line The first line of all your files should be exactly #!/usr/bin/python3 A README.md file at the root of the folder of the project is mandatory Your code should use the PEP 8 style (version 1.7.*) Your Fabric file must work with Fabric 3 version 1.14.post1 (installation instruction below) All your files must be executable The length of your files will be tested using wc All your functions (inside and outside a class) should have documentation (python3 -c 'print(import("my_module").my_function.doc)' and python3 -c 'print(import("my_module").MyClass.my_function.doc)') A documentation is not a simple word, it’s a real sentence explaining what’s the purpose of the module, class or method (the length of it will be verified) Bash Scripts Allowed editors: vi, vim, emacs All your files will be interpreted on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS All your files should end with a new line A README.md file at the root of the folder of the project is mandatory All your Bash script files must be executable Your Bash script must pass Shellcheck (version 0.3.3-1~ubuntu20.04.1 via apt-get) without any errors The first line of all your Bash scripts should be exactly #!/usr/bin/env bash The second line of all your Bash scripts should be a comment explaining what is the script doing More Info Install Fabric for Python 3 - version 1.14.post1 $ pip3 uninstall Fabric $ sudo apt-get install libffi-dev $ sudo apt-get install libssl-dev $ sudo apt-get install build-essential $ sudo apt-get install python3.4-dev $ sudo apt-get install libpython3-dev $ pip3 install pyparsing $ pip3 install appdirs $ pip3 install setuptools==40.1.0 $ pip3 install cryptography==2.8 $ pip3 install bcrypt==3.1.7 $ pip3 install PyNaCl==1.3.0 $ pip3 install Fabric3==1.14.post1 Video library(1 total) Search by title Deploy static files with Fabric Quiz questions Great! You've completed the quiz successfully! Keep going! (Show quiz) Tasks 0. Prepare your web servers mandatory Write a Bash script that sets up your web servers for the deployment of web_static. It must:

Install Nginx if it not already installed Create the folder /data/ if it doesn’t already exist Create the folder /data/web_static/ if it doesn’t already exist Create the folder /data/web_static/releases/ if it doesn’t already exist Create the folder /data/web_static/shared/ if it doesn’t already exist Create the folder /data/web_static/releases/test/ if it doesn’t already exist Create a fake HTML file /data/web_static/releases/test/index.html (with simple content, to test your Nginx configuration) Create a symbolic link /data/web_static/current linked to the /data/web_static/releases/test/ folder. If the symbolic link already exists, it should be deleted and recreated every time the script is ran. Give ownership of the /data/ folder to the ubuntu user AND group (you can assume this user and group exist). This should be recursive; everything inside should be created/owned by this user/group. Update the Nginx configuration to serve the content of /data/web_static/current/ to hbnb_static (ex: https://mydomainname.tech/hbnb_static). Don’t forget to restart Nginx after updating the configuration: Use alias inside your Nginx configuration Tip Your program should always exit successfully. Don’t forget to run your script on both of your web servers.

In optional, you will redo this task but by using Puppet

ubuntu@89-web-01:/$ sudo ./0-setup_web_static.sh ubuntu@89-web-01:/$ echo $? 0 ubuntu@89-web-01:/$ ls -l /data total 4 drwxr-xr-x 1 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Mar 7 05:17 web_static ubuntu@89-web-01:/$ ls -l /data/web_static total 8 lrwxrwxrwx 1 ubuntu ubuntu 30 Mar 7 22:30 current -> /data/web_static/releases/test drwxr-xr-x 3 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Mar 7 22:29 releases drwxr-xr-x 2 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Mar 7 22:29 shared ubuntu@89-web-01:/$ ls /data/web_static/current index.html ubuntu@89-web-01:/$ cat /data/web_static/current/index.html

Holberton School ubuntu@89-web-01:~/$ curl localhost/hbnb_static/index.html Holberton School ubuntu@89-web-01:~/$ Repo:

GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone_v2 File: 0-setup_web_static.sh

  1. Compress before sending mandatory Write a Fabric script that generates a .tgz archive from the contents of the web_static folder of your AirBnB Clone repo, using the function do_pack.

Prototype: def do_pack(): All files in the folder web_static must be added to the final archive All archives must be stored in the folder versions (your function should create this folder if it doesn’t exist) The name of the archive created must be web_static_.tgz The function do_pack must return the archive path if the archive has been correctly generated. Otherwise, it should return None guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB_clone_v2$ fab -f 1-pack_web_static.py do_pack Packing web_static to versions/web_static_20170314233357.tgz [localhost] local: tar -cvzf versions/web_static_20170314233357.tgz web_static web_static/ web_static/.DS_Store web_static/0-index.html web_static/1-index.html web_static/100-index.html web_static/2-index.html web_static/3-index.html web_static/4-index.html web_static/5-index.html web_static/6-index.html web_static/7-index.html web_static/8-index.html web_static/images/ web_static/images/icon.png web_static/images/icon_bath.png web_static/images/icon_bed.png web_static/images/icon_group.png web_static/images/icon_pets.png web_static/images/icon_tv.png web_static/images/icon_wifi.png web_static/images/logo.png web_static/index.html web_static/styles/ web_static/styles/100-places.css web_static/styles/2-common.css web_static/styles/2-footer.css web_static/styles/2-header.css web_static/styles/3-common.css web_static/styles/3-footer.css web_static/styles/3-header.css web_static/styles/4-common.css web_static/styles/4-filters.css web_static/styles/5-filters.css web_static/styles/6-filters.css web_static/styles/7-places.css web_static/styles/8-places.css web_static/styles/common.css web_static/styles/filters.css web_static/styles/footer.css web_static/styles/header.css web_static/styles/places.css web_static packed: versions/web_static_20170314233357.tgz -> 21283Bytes

Done. guillaume@ubuntu:/AirBnB_clone_v2$ ls -l versions/web_static_20170314233357.tgz -rw-rw-r-- 1 guillaume guillaume 21283 Mar 14 23:33 versions/web_static_20170314233357.tgz guillaume@ubuntu:/AirBnB_clone_v2$ Repo:

GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone_v2 File: 1-pack_web_static.py

  1. Deploy archive! mandatory Write a Fabric script (based on the file 1-pack_web_static.py) that distributes an archive to your web servers, using the function do_deploy:

Prototype: def do_deploy(archive_path): Returns False if the file at the path archive_path doesn’t exist The script should take the following steps: Upload the archive to the /tmp/ directory of the web server Uncompress the archive to the folder /data/web_static/releases/ on the web server Delete the archive from the web server Delete the symbolic link /data/web_static/current from the web server Create a new the symbolic link /data/web_static/current on the web server, linked to the new version of your code (/data/web_static/releases/) All remote commands must be executed on your both web servers (using env.hosts = ['', 'IP web-02'] variable in your script) Returns True if all operations have been done correctly, otherwise returns False You must use this script to deploy it on your servers: xx-web-01 and xx-web-02 In the following example, the SSH key and the username used for accessing to the server are passed in the command line. Of course, you could define them as Fabric environment variables (ex: env.user =...)

Disclaimer: commands execute by Fabric displayed below are linked to the way we implemented the archive function do_pack - like the mv command - depending of your implementation of it, you may don’t need it

guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB_clone_v2$ fab -f 2-do_deploy_web_static.py do_deploy:archive_path=versions/web_static_20170315003959.tgz -i my_ssh_private_key -u ubuntu [] Executing task 'do_deploy' [] put: versions/web_static_20170315003959.tgz -> /tmp/web_static_20170315003959.tgz [] run: mkdir -p /data/web_static/releases/web_static_20170315003959/ [] run: tar -xzf /tmp/web_static_20170315003959.tgz -C /data/web_static/releases/web_static_20170315003959/ [] run: rm /tmp/web_static_20170315003959.tgz [] run: mv /data/web_static/releases/web_static_20170315003959/web_static/* /data/web_static/releases/web_static_20170315003959/ [] run: rm -rf /data/web_static/releases/web_static_20170315003959/web_static [] run: rm -rf /data/web_static/current [] run: ln -s /data/web_static/releases/web_static_20170315003959/ /data/web_static/current New version deployed! [] Executing task 'deploy' [] put: versions/web_static_20170315003959.tgz -> /tmp/web_static_20170315003959.tgz [] run: mkdir -p /data/web_static/releases/web_static_20170315003959/ [] run: tar -xzf /tmp/web_static_20170315003959.tgz -C /data/web_static/releases/web_static_20170315003959/ [] run: rm /tmp/web_static_20170315003959.tgz [] run: mv /data/web_static/releases/web_static_20170315003959/web_static/* /data/web_static/releases/web_static_20170315003959/ [] run: rm -rf /data/web_static/releases/web_static_20170315003959/web_static [] run: rm -rf /data/web_static/current [] run: ln -s /data/web_static/releases/web_static_20170315003959/ /data/web_static/current New version deployed!

Done. Disconnecting from done. Disconnecting from done. guillaume@ubuntu:/AirBnB_clone_v2$ guillaume@ubuntu:/AirBnB_clone_v2$ curl

<title>AirBnB clone</title>
    <footer style="position: absolute; left: 0; bottom: 0; height: 60px; width: 100%; background-color: #00FF00; text-align: center; overflow: hidden;">
        <p style="line-height: 60px; margin: 0px;">Holberton School</p>
guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB_clone_v2$ Repo:

GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone_v2 File: 2-do_deploy_web_static.py

  1. Full deployment mandatory Write a Fabric script (based on the file 2-do_deploy_web_static.py) that creates and distributes an archive to your web servers, using the function deploy:

Prototype: def deploy(): The script should take the following steps: Call the do_pack() function and store the path of the created archive Return False if no archive has been created Call the do_deploy(archive_path) function, using the new path of the new archive Return the return value of do_deploy All remote commands must be executed on both of web your servers (using env.hosts = ['', 'IP web-02'] variable in your script) You must use this script to deploy it on your servers: xx-web-01 and xx-web-02 In the following example, the SSH key and the username used for accessing to the server are passed in the command line. Of course, you could define them as Fabric environment variables (ex: env.user =…)

guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB_clone_v2$ fab -f 3-deploy_web_static.py deploy -i my_ssh_private_key -u ubuntu [] Executing task 'deploy' Packing web_static to versions/web_static_20170315015620.tgz [localhost] local: tar -cvzf versions/web_static_20170315015620.tgz web_static web_static/ web_static/0-index.html web_static/1-index.html web_static/100-index.html web_static/2-index.html web_static/3-index.html web_static/4-index.html web_static/5-index.html web_static/6-index.html web_static/7-index.html web_static/8-index.html web_static/images/ web_static/images/icon.png web_static/images/icon_bath.png web_static/images/icon_bed.png web_static/images/icon_group.png web_static/images/icon_pets.png web_static/images/icon_tv.png web_static/images/icon_wifi.png web_static/images/logo.png web_static/index.html web_static/styles/ web_static/styles/100-places.css web_static/styles/2-common.css web_static/styles/2-footer.css web_static/styles/2-header.css web_static/styles/3-common.css web_static/styles/3-footer.css web_static/styles/3-header.css web_static/styles/4-common.css web_static/styles/4-filters.css web_static/styles/5-filters.css web_static/styles/6-filters.css web_static/styles/7-places.css web_static/styles/8-places.css web_static/styles/common.css web_static/styles/filters.css web_static/styles/footer.css web_static/styles/header.css web_static/styles/places.css web_static packed: versions/web_static_20170315015620.tgz -> 27280335Bytes [] put: versions/web_static_20170315015620.tgz -> /tmp/web_static_20170315015620.tgz [] run: mkdir -p /data/web_static/releases/web_static_20170315015620/ [] run: tar -xzf /tmp/web_static_20170315015620.tgz -C /data/web_static/releases/web_static_20170315015620/ [] run: rm /tmp/web_static_20170315015620.tgz [] run: mv /data/web_static/releases/web_static_20170315015620/web_static/* /data/web_static/releases/web_static_20170315015620/ [] run: rm -rf /data/web_static/releases/web_static_20170315015620/web_static [] run: rm -rf /data/web_static/current [] run: ln -s /data/web_static/releases/web_static_20170315015620/ /data/web_static/current New version deployed! [] Executing task 'deploy' [] put: versions/web_static_20170315015620.tgz -> /tmp/web_static_20170315015620.tgz [] run: mkdir -p /data/web_static/releases/web_static_20170315015620/ [] run: tar -xzf /tmp/web_static_20170315015620.tgz -C /data/web_static/releases/web_static_20170315015620/ [] run: rm /tmp/web_static_20170315015620.tgz [] run: mv /data/web_static/releases/web_static_20170315015620/web_static/* /data/web_static/releases/web_static_20170315015620/ [] run: rm -rf /data/web_static/releases/web_static_20170315015620/web_static [] run: rm -rf /data/web_static/current [] run: ln -s /data/web_static/releases/web_static_20170315015620/ /data/web_static/current New version deployed!

Done. Disconnecting from done. Disconnecting from done. guillaume@ubuntu:/AirBnB_clone_v2$ guillaume@ubuntu:/AirBnB_clone_v2$ curl

<title>AirBnB clone</title>
    <footer style="position: absolute; left: 0; bottom: 0; height: 60px; width: 100%; background-color: #00FF00; text-align: center; overflow: hidden;">
        <p style="line-height: 60px; margin: 0px;">Holberton School</p>
guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB_clone_v2$ Repo:

GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone_v2 File: 3-deploy_web_static.py

  1. Keep it clean! #advanced Write a Fabric script (based on the file 3-deploy_web_static.py) that deletes out-of-date archives, using the function do_clean:

Prototype: def do_clean(number=0): number is the number of the archives, including the most recent, to keep. If number is 0 or 1, keep only the most recent version of your archive. if number is 2, keep the most recent, and second most recent versions of your archive. etc. Your script should: Delete all unnecessary archives (all archives minus the number to keep) in the versions folder Delete all unnecessary archives (all archives minus the number to keep) in the /data/web_static/releases folder of both of your web servers All remote commands must be executed on both of your web servers (using the env.hosts = ['', 'IP web-02'] variable in your script) In the following example, the SSH key and the username used for accessing to the server are passed in the command line. Of course, you could define them as Fabric environment variables (ex: env.user =…)

guillaume@ubuntu:/AirBnB_clone_v2$ ls -ltr versions -rw-r--r-- 1 vagrant vagrant 27280335 Mar 15 2017 web_static_20170315015414.tgz -rw-r--r-- 1 vagrant vagrant 27280335 Mar 15 2017 web_static_20170315015448.tgz -rw-r--r-- 1 vagrant vagrant 27280335 Mar 15 2017 web_static_20170315015507.tgz -rw-r--r-- 1 vagrant vagrant 27280335 Mar 15 2017 web_static_20170315015620.tgz guillaume@ubuntu:/AirBnB_clone_v2$ fab -f 100-clean_web_static.py do_clean:number=2 -i my_ssh_private_key -u ubuntu > /dev/null 2>&1 guillaume@ubuntu:/AirBnB_clone_v2$ ls -ltr versions -rw-r--r-- 1 vagrant vagrant 27280335 Mar 15 2017 web_static_20170315015507.tgz -rw-r--r-- 1 vagrant vagrant 27280335 Mar 15 2017 web_static_20170315015620.tgz guillaume@ubuntu:/AirBnB_clone_v2$ Repo:

GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone_v2 File: 100-clean_web_static.py

  1. Puppet for setup #advanced Redo the task #0 but by using Puppet:

ubuntu@89-web-01:/$ puppet apply 101-setup_web_static.pp .... ubuntu@89-web-01:/$ ls -l /data total 4 drwxr-xr-x 1 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Mar 7 05:17 web_static ubuntu@89-web-01:/$ ls -l /data/web_static total 8 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 30 Mar 7 22:30 current -> /data/web_static/releases/test drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Mar 7 22:29 releases drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Mar 7 22:29 shared ubuntu@89-web-01:/$ ls /data/web_static/current index.html ubuntu@89-web-01:~/$ cat /data/web_static/current/index.html

Holberton School ubuntu@89-web-01:~/$ curl localhost/hbnb_static/index.html Holberton School ubuntu@89-web-01:~/$ Repo:

GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone_v2 File: 101-setup_web_static.pp

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