
The frontend of an application that manages user tasks

Primary LanguageDart


taskmanager is a Flutter application that provides a user-friendly interface for managing tasks, activities, comments, and user profiles. The application utilizes the APIs provided by the taskmanager Django project. It implements the Dio package for making API calls and follows the BLoC pattern for state management.


  • User authentication and authorization using the Django project's APIs that utilizes token authentication.
  • Task creation, retrieval, updating, and deletion.
  • Activity logging for tasks.
  • Commenting on tasks and activities.
  • User profile management.
  • Integration with the "taskmanager" Django project APIs.



  1. Clone the repository:

    cd taskmanager-frontend
  2. Set up the taskmanager Django project API URL:

    In the lib/network/api/endpoints.dart file, update the apiBaseUrl variable with the URL of your deployed taskmanager Django project API.

  3. Run the application:

    flutter run
  4. Access the TaskManager application on your device/emulator.


The TaskManager Flutter application relies on the following key dependencies:

  • dio: A powerful HTTP client for making API calls.
  • flutter_bloc: A state management library based on the BLoC pattern.
  • equatable: A package to simplify equality comparisons between Dart objects.
  • flutter_modular: A package for handling dependency injection and module management.
  • get_it: A package for dependency injection and service locator.

Project Structure

The project follows a modular structure known as feature-based clean architechture, separating different functionalities into separate modules. The key directories are as follows:

  • lib/network: Contains the Url endpoints, Dio client and Dio Exceptions
  • lib/models: Contains the different feature models such as users, tasks, activities, comments, and user profiles, login and pagenation model.
  • lib/di: Contains the service locators.
  • lib/main.dart: The entry point of the application and contains the dependency injection.
  • lib/auth: Contains APIs, repository, blocs and views for handling authentication in the application.
  • lib/user_profile: Contains APIs, repository, blocs and views for managing the user's profile.
  • lib/task: Contains APIs, repository, blocs and views for managing tasks.
  • lib/activity: Contains APIs, repository, blocs and views for managing activities.
  • lib/comment: Contains APIs, repository, blocs and views for managing comments.


Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please create a new issue or submit a pull request.