Kir-Dev E-mail template and implementation

The template

The template in this repository contains a unified base design for all applications. It is responsive also. Each project should use this or its own template based on this. Please don't change the footer too much!

Nest implementation

I would recommend using ejs for the template engine. In this repository you can find a mailing module and service written for NestJS. Just import it inside your AppModule as described below and start using it


There are two dependencies (besides NestJS) for this module: axios and ejs. Please install them using your favorite package manager! Copy the module and service wherever you want! Copy the template.html as template.ejs and start digging into it, you can use anything EJS supports.


You should use the forRoot static function to inject the configuration for the module:

    imports: [
            templates: {
                default: 'template/template.ejs', // If you don't pass a template name to generateMail
                example: 'template/example.ejs',
            mailServerUrl: '<mail server url here>',
            apiKey: '<key here>',
    controllers: [AppController],
    providers: [AppService],


You can generate the e-mail HTML to be sent via generateMail(values: unknown, templateName?: string = 'default'). You can pass in any object, it depends on what you have written inside the EJS file. Use the sendMail(data: SendMail[]) function to send an email in the correct format, where SendMail:

  to: string; // The e-mail receiver's address
  from: string; // The name that should appear in the e-mail from field
  subject: string; // Subject of the e-mail
  html: string; // Syntactically correct HTML (just pass in the previously generated html)