Local setup

You will need an AuthSCH application. You can register one at Set the redirect url to http://localhost:3000/auth/oauth/callback For development create your own .env file based on .env.example

To setup the database:

rails db:setup

Other useful commands are rails db:create, db:migrate, db:seed and db:reset.

To compile the contents of app/javascript:


To run compile server:


These are necessary when you change some JS or CSS that are bundled to the app.


Create the persistent database volume:

docker volume create --name=konyhasch_database`


Run only database container:

 docker-compose -f up --build

Use the -d switch to run it detached in the background.

The database is accessible on port 5433.

After creating the database container you have to set up the database from the console.


Generate a random string for secret_key_base:

rails secret

Create the encrypted credentials for production:

EDITOR=nano rails credentials:edit --environment production

Delete the # and add secret_key_base with value of a the randomly generated string.

Run all containers in the network:

docker-compose up --build

The application will be available on port 3444.