Docker image that allows you to generate multiple output formats using hackmyresume.
- Based on alpine
- qt patched version of wkhtmltopdf is installed for exporting to
- Base image with wkhtmltopdf and hackmyresume
- Is used as base by hackmyresume-all-themes image that adds
- some preinstalled JSON Resume themes on top
I was exploring Hackmyresume as a tool for generating my resume and wanted a docker image that would take my resume and generate an exported version. There are different docker images in docker Hub that contain hackmyresume but I didn't found an image that would fullfill all of my requirements:
- Based on Alpine for size reduction
- Containing a qt patched version of wkhtmltopdf
- Having preinstalled themes into the image
- Having pinned version of main components for consistency
- Using a multistage build for the patched wkthmltopdf version
aantonw, whose image is used to fetch the patched wkhtmltopdf binaries
There is nothing special regarding the build procedure, just run docker build:
docker build -t kir4h/hackmyresume .
or use the Makefile
make build
The usage is the same as for hackmyresume-all-themes
image except for the fact that there are no preinstalled JSON
resume themes. fresh themes are though already available out of
the box with hackmyresume
In order to have persistent JSON resume themes one can:
- Create his own docker image from this one, adding the desired theme(s)
- Use a named volume mounted on
so that themes are persisted. A bind mount should also work but as it would shadow the base image folder hackmyresume would need to be reinstalled
I have observed issues for some of the themes:
- in some cases the html version looks fine but pdf doesn't
- in some cases the pdf version looks fine but html doesn't
- for some themes the profile picture is ignored
Since this is an old project and themes are also old, I guess there are some incompatibilities with themes and versions, or even maybe with wkhtmltopdf. If this is something that can be fixed from this Docker image I am more than happy to accept PRs.