
Javascript Solver/Scrambler Suite

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Mark 2 Scrambler Suite

This directory contains several scramblers used for Mark 2 that can be used in any Javascript project.

Example Usage

Say you want 2x2x2 scrambles in your project.

  1. Include scramble_222.js in your project.
  2. scramblers["222"].initialize(null, Math) // Call this once.
  3. scramblers["222"].getRandomScramble().scramble_string // Get a scramble string.

See example.htm for a slightly more thorough example with images.

Mark 2 Scrambler Organization

Each scrambler is implemented in a Javascript file that creates a scramblers object (if it doesn't exist) and sets a property like scramblers[eventID], where eventID is a string with the WCA event ID.

As of December 2011, the supported events are:

  • scramble_222.js: "222"
  • scramble_333.js: "333", "333bf", "333oh", "333fm", "333ft"
  • scramble_NNN.js: "444", "555", "666", "777", "444bf", "555bf"
  • scramble_minx.js: "minx"
  • scramble_pyram.js: "pyram"
  • scramble_sq1.js: "sq1"
  • scramble_clock.js: "clock"

Mark 2 Scrambler API

Each scramblers[eventID] object supports the following methods:

  • version:
    • A string like "December 25, 2011" that reports the last significant modification date of the scrambler.
  • initialize(callback, randomSource, statusCallback)
    • This method must be called before generating or drawing any scrambles.
    • callback: Some scramblers are not instant to initialize (e.g. 333 takes about a second, sq1 about 5 seconds). If a bunch of these are called in a row, the browser will not have a chance to be responsive. In order to support continuation-passing, you can provide a method to be called when the initialization is done. You can also pass in null and the initialization will simply return control to the caller when it is done.
    • randomSource: This must be an object that support a randomSource.random() method for generating random floats. This may be Math, but Math is not used as a default and you must provide an argument.
    • statusCallback: Some scramblers take a while to initialize. If you'd like to have it report back to you on progress, provide a statusCallback method that takes a string.
  • setRandomSource(src)
    • Update the random source.
  • getRandomScramble()
    • Get a random scramble. This returns an object {scramble_string: string, state: object}. Note that initialize(...) needs to have been called earlier.
    • The scramble_string is a string represenation of the scrambling moves to be done.
    • The state object is an object whose structure depends on the scrambler implementation. It is useful for drawing.
  • drawScramble(parentElement, state, width, height)
    • The source for the Raphael.js library must be included before this method can be called.
    • parentElement is an HTML element. This method will append a new SVG element to the parentElement and draw the scramble in it.
    • state is a valid puzzle state, as returned by getRandomScramble()
    • width and height are the width and height of the desired SVG canvas to be drawn, in pixels.