
logs analysis project

Primary LanguagePython


An internal reporting tool that generates informative summaries from a news database.

This project satisfies a project requirement for Udacity's Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree.

Enviroment Setup

Install the virtual machine

  1. Download & install VirtualBox

  2. Download & install Vagrant Check if Vagrant is successfully installed by running on terminal.

vagrant --version

If you see the version number, then you're good.

Download VM configuration

  1. Download or Clone the repository git clone https://github.com/kiraheta/logs-analysis-project.git

  2. cd into directory logs-analysis-project.

Running the VM

  1. Inside the subdirectory, run the command vagrant up. Doing so will download & install the Linux OS.

  2. Once vagrant up is completed and your shell prompt returns, run vagrant ssh to log into newly installed Linux OS.

  3. Lastly, run cd /vagrant

Download the data

  1. Download & unzip newsdata.zip

  2. Place the file newsdata.sql inside of the vagrant directory

  3. Load the data via the command psql -d news -f newsdata.sql

Running the internal reporting tool

  1. Run python log.py

Program output

If module runs successfully, you will see the following output:
