How to run

  1. Need to have Jupyter Notebook installed.
  2. Need to install these packages either using Anaconda or pip depending on what you already have.
    1. If you need to install Anaconda:
    2. If you need to install pip:
    3. Packages
    • pandas
    • numpy
    • matplotlib
    • seaborn
    • sklearn
    1. Can install a package by doing conda install pandas or pip3 install pandas for example.
  3. Clone this repository.
  4. Start Jupyter Notebook by running jupyter notebook in the terminal.
  5. Navigate to where you cloned the repo within the Jupyter Notebook file explorer that starts in your browser after the previous step.
  6. Open the Education and Religion.ipynb file.
  7. Can choose Cell Run All to run all cells or can run them one by one.