This Application is used to calculate the sum of the discounted price for each product in the line item in the input csv file productsInput.csv .

Line item of csv file contains of productIds separated by comma.

This program assumes that this input file is stored at the location D:\productsInput.csv.

Sample Input


Expected output: 3860 2140

Technlogy Stack

MongoDB 3.6.0 Community

For details on the MongoDB schema , please refer the image file 'apparelApp-mongodb-schema.PNG' that is available parallel to this file in the GIT Repository

Instructions to launch this program

Assuming that the input file is at location D:\productsInput.csv, launch the Java Main Program "" and assuming the Sample Input in this csv file is 2 1,2,3,4 1,5

Output that will be print in the console will be as follows

Sum of the Products Price (separated by comma) after discount , calcualted for each line in csv is 3860.0

Sum of the Products Price (separated by comma) after discount , calcualted for each line in csv is 2140.0