
Manages dotfile configuration files across operating systems

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


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dotfiles-sync is a command line application which helps manage configuration files (typically dotfiles) across different machines and operating systems.


I needed a solution which would allowed me to easily automate synchronising my configuration files as I jump between different machines which could be either Windows or Linux.

Getting Started

This package is deployed to pypi:

python -m pip install dotfiles-sync

The --help will always show the most up to date options:

❯ dotfiles --help
usage: dotfiles [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-w CONFIG_DIR] [-d] [-i] [-f FILTER [FILTER ...]] [--version] {list,sync,update} ...

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        dotfiles configuration. Points to target locations.
  -w CONFIG_DIR, --config_dir CONFIG_DIR
                        Location of the configuration files to sync
  -d, --dry             Only read and show me what you would have done
  -i, --interactive     Before doing a write, ask for confirmation
  -f FILTER [FILTER ...], --filter FILTER [FILTER ...]
                        keys(s) of the configuration to apply. If not set then apply them all
  --version             show program's version number and exit

This application relies on the fact that you store your configuration in source control and that you define a configuration file which declares your configurations you want to track along with paths per operating system.

An example of a configuration file is:

            "linux": "~/.bashrc",
            "windows": "~/.bashrc"

Typically named dotfiles-sync.json, this file defines each of the configurations we are interested in along with the locations where they should live per operating system. In this example we have a single entry .bashrc which states that we have a file in the root of the configuration directory with the same name. The configuration directory is the directory where the central authority of that files live (typically a git repository which contains all your configuration files).

This entry can also be a folder or file within a subdirectory (e.g bash/.bashrc) for if you wanted to keep all your bash related configuration files organised into a bash folder in your repo.

Each entry contains paths to operating system specific path the file should be syncronised into. The operating systems supported here are the same as the ones that come in platform.system but lowercased. Paths are also expanded using os.path.expanduser which means special symbols like ~ will be expanded in both Window and Linux.

Note if you have a path which can be applied across platforms, then you can define a single config "cross": "~/.bashrc".


Once you have a dotfiles configuration and configuration directory you can run list:

❯ dotfiles --config examples/dotfiles-sync.json --config_dir examples/configs list
[18:58:55] INFO     Listing Configurations
           INFO     .bashrc: examples/configs/.bashrc => /home/kiran/.bashrc (ConfigurationMatchStatus.SYNCHRONIZABLE | ConfigurationFileType.FILE)
           INFO     .vimrc: examples/configs/.vimrc => /home/kiran/.vimrc (ConfigurationMatchStatus.SYNCHRONIZABLE | ConfigurationFileType.FILE)
           INFO     pgcli: examples/configs/pgcli => /home/kiran/.config/pgcli (ConfigurationMatchStatus.SYNCHRONIZABLE | ConfigurationFileType.DIRECTORY)

SYNCHRONIZABLE means it looks like it is possible to synchronise this file and FILE tells us the type of synchronize it's going to do (as oppsosed to DIRECTORY which will do a recursive copy).


If we are happy, then we can do a sync. This will take the files in your configuration directory and allow them to the machine.

❯ dotfiles --config examples/dotfiles-sync.json --config_dir examples/configs sync

[18:59:41] INFO     Copying File examples/configs/.bashrc => /home/kiran/.bashrc
           INFO     Copying File examples/configs/.vimrc => /home/kiran/.vimrc
           INFO     Copying Directory examples/configs/pgcli => /home/kiran/.config/pgcli
Syncing Configuration... ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 100% 0:00:00


You may want to also do the reverse and update your configuration directory with the files on your current machine. This can be done using update:

❯ dotfiles --config examples/dotfiles-sync.json --config_dir examples/configs update

[19:01:47] INFO     Copying File /home/kiran/.bashrc => examples/configs/.bashrc
           INFO     Copying File /home/kiran/.vimrc => examples/configs/.vimrc
           INFO     Copying Directory /home/kiran/.config/pgcli => examples/configs/pgcli
Updating Configuration Directory: examples/configs ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 100% 0:00:00


Disabling Items

Configuration Items can be disabled from being applied within the config file.

            "linux": "~/.p10k.zsh",
            "disabled": true

Filtering Items

By default dotfiles will assume you want to run configuration on all items (unless explictely disabled). If you would like to only apply certain configurations then you can pass the keys of the configs you want to --filter:

❯ dotfiles -c $HOME/projects/dotfiles/dotfiles-sync.json  --filter "bash/.profile" "pgcli/config" -w $HOME/projects/dotfiles/ sync

[14:54:59] INFO     Copying File /home/kiran/projects/dotfiles/bash/.profile => /home/kiran/.profile                                                                                                                
           INFO     Copying File /home/kiran/projects/dotfiles/pgcli/config => /home/kiran/.config/pgcli/config                                                                                                     
Syncing Configuration... ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 100% 0:00:00

Environment Variables

It can be cumbersome to type out / remember where your dotfiles directory is on each machine. There are two environment variables to make life easier which you can set on a system level:

export DOTFILESSYNC_CONFIG= # path to the dotfiles-sync.json
export DOTFILESSYNC_DIR= # path to your dotfiles which should be synced

This means makes invocation of this dotfiles-sync much cleaner:

dotfiles sync