Cheat-Sheet for quick use of Git & GitHub

install-git-for-multiple-users-removebg-preview (1)

  • make sure you have git installed or download-here
  • Get started with Git Bash

How Git works


First create a directory

  • Git will create a folder in C disk C:/Users/user/dirname
mkdir directoryname

Initialise the directory

  • Git will initialise the directory in C disk C:/Users/user/dirname/.git/
  • initializes a new Git repository and begins tracking an existing directory. It adds a hidden subfolder within the existing directory that houses the internal data structure required for version control
git init

Moving our files to staging area

  • Typing following command files will be moved to staging area
git add filename

Have a look at the changes

  • We will know changes in form of description effected after each save of the specific document
git diff filename
  • We will get to know various changes that we made to our whole project
git status

Saving changes to file (failing which we cant push our files to repo)

  • Entering below command will save the doc files will fall into local repository
git commit -a -m 'the message we want here to be displayed here'

⚠️ Create an repositories and have its https link copied before moving ahead like the following one ⚠️

repo link example

push an existing repository from the command line

echo "# gittest" >>
git push -u origin main
git init
git add
git commit -m "first commit"
git branch -M main
git remote add origin

Configuring our local repository to move files remote repository

  • If we type in command it will be connected to remote repository
git remote add repo or aliasname repo url

Selecting a branch

git branch -M main

Finally pushing our docs from local to an remote repository

  • Git will push our docs in local repo to master branch in remote repo
git push -u origin main

Updating Local docs with docs in remote repository

  • Git helps developers use this command if at all made commits to a branch on a remote-repo, and they would like to reflect those changes in their local environment
git pull aliasname branch


  • Git will create a different branch
git branch branchname
  • Helps to switch to a different branch
git checkout branchname


  • Git will integrate/merge two different branches
git merge branchname


Git clone is a command for downloading existing source code from a remote repository (like Github, for example). Git clone basically makes an identical copy of the latest version of a project in a repository and saves it to your computer.

git clone -b <Branch name><Repository URL>  

Command for unstaging the file which is added in the staging environment

git restore --staged filename
  • History of the commits
git logs
  • To jumping to specific commit and deleting the older
git reset commit-hash-id
  • HEAD is a pointer that will point to current working branch and also say in which branch, the latest commits will be pushed.

unstaging a commit that is already being pushed to remote repo

git reset below-commit-log-id
git add .
git stash
git push origin kk -f

fetching commits from upstream repo and keeping our repo insync with upstream repo

git fetch --all --prune

git reset --hard upstream

git push origin main

squashing the commits

git rebase -i commit-hash


  • upstream is the parent repo
  • Any new thing you are working on create a new branch in local start working from there
  • 1 pull req = 1 branch
  • If you want to push newly created remote repo, then command
git push origin branchname

For Merge-conflicts

  • A tool pops up and highlights problems causing the conflicts
git mergetool

For exiting the tool

  • After successful changes type in following command to exit