
Pivotal Cloud Platform Roadshow Workshop Kit

Pivotal Cloud Platform Roadshow Workshop Kit

Workshop kit containing content for the Pivotal Cloud Platform Roadshow (http://www.pivotal.io/cloud-platform-roadshow/).

Workshop Flow

The workshop was originally delivered on the last day of the UberConf show. That day is broken into four 90-minute sessions, with two 15-minute coffee breaks and a lunch break of 1 hour 15 minutes.

The schedule has been altered to fit the PCP Roadshow format, with 75-minute sessions. It also accomodates two keynotes:

8:30 - 9:00 AM


9:00 - 10:00 AM

Morning Keynote (3rd Platform)

10:00 - 10:15 AM

Coffee Break

10:15 - 11:30 AM

Session #1 - The Developer Experience

11:30 - 11:45 AM

Coffee Break

11:45 - 1:00 PM

Session #2 - Architecture and Operations

1:00 - 2:30 PM

Lunch and Keynote (Architecting for Continuous Delivery)

2:30 - 2:45 PM

Coffee Break

2:45 - 4:00 PM

Session #3 - Custom Buildpacks and Data Services

4:00 - 4:15 PM

Coffee Break

4:15 - 5:30 PM

Session #4 - Enabling Continuous Delivery

The sessions are as follows:

  1. The Developer Experience

    This workshop introduces the business why'' of Cloud Foundry with a nod to Microservices architectures. It then takes the developer through a hands-on day in the life'' experience of interacting with Pivotal Web Services:

    Target My Cloud Foundry Provider

    walkthrough of PWS registration, download CF CLI, target/login.

    Push My App

    push the Spring Music application, high-level talk through of app push/stage/deploy.

    Bind My App to Backing Services

    bind Spring Music to an ElephantSQL PostgreSQL database, high-level talk through of service creation/binding, explain VCAP_SERVICES, point to Spring Cloud.

    Scale My App

    push cf-scale-boot application, scale up, scale down, high-level talk through of dynamic routing.

    Monitor My App’s Logs

    tail cf-scale-boot logs, high-level discussion of loggregator.

    Monitor My App’s Health

    hit the ``kill switch'' in cf-scale-boot, watch the events in the logs, show cf events, watch the app restart, high-level talk through of health manager.

    Monitor My App’s Performance

    bind to New Relic service, re-push application, high-level discussion of NR agent fetching via BP, poke around in NR interface.

  2. Architecture and Operations

    The primary goals of this session are to:

    • Do a deep dive into the CF architecture via animated slides illustrating push, stage, deploy, scale, and health management.

    • Also do a brief dive into BOSH, including why BOSH, what it is, and animations of how it works. It’s not an operations focused workshop, so we keep the treatment light.

    • Discuss the value adds to CF BOSH OSS that Pivotal brings through the Pivotal Ops Manager product and our associated ecosystem of data and mobile services.

    • Brief demo of Operations Manager environment (presenter’s discretion)

  3. Custom Buildpacks and Data Services

    The primary goals of this session are to:

    • Give an overview of the extension points available to Cloud Foundry users.

    • Provide a buildpack overview with a deep focus on the Java buildpack (my target audience has been Java conferences)

    • Provide an overview of service options, from user-provided to managed services, including an overview of the V2 Service Broker API.

    • Provide a live demo of either:

      • Service Broker Development/Management (PREFERABLE)

        • deploy a service broker for ``HashMap as a Service (HaaSh).'' Register the broker, make the plan public.

        • create an instance of the HaaSh service

        • deploy a client app, bind to the service, and test it

      • Java Buildpack Extension

        • via customization (add a new framework component)

        • via configuration (upgrade to Java 8)

  4. Enabling Continuous Delivery

    The primary goals of this session are to:

    • Give a brief, platform-agnostic overview of the why'' and what'' of Continuous Delivery. The purpose is to simply educate the student and bring everyone to the same level.

    • Explain how Cloud Foundry benefits Continuous Delivery.

    • Provide a live demo where the presenter takes a Spring Boot microservice application and builds a continuous delivery pipeline for it using Jenkins, Artifactory, and Cloud Foundry. This is done using a PCF environment and SaaS versions of Jenkins and Artifactory.


So far this consists of:

It also references the following additional sample app GitHub repositories (most of which are housed under the cf-platform-eng organization, but there are a few exceptions):