Web parser and score calculator for LFC India Fantasy League game 15-16
- fpl1516.py is the generic score parser and logger script. The fpl1516.py.ph* scripts are for sprcific gameweeks (with captains harcoded).
- vccount.py reads the files in TeamScores folder and lists the number of times each player has been vice captain so far.
- players-list.txt contains list of all players with their FPL IDs. This file is parsed by the main script.
- The individual players' FPL scores are parsed from fantasy.premierleague.com.
- Fixtures are obtained from the API at www.football-data.org for that particular gameweek.
- The parsed scores and fixture (home/away) are used to calculate team scores.
- The calculated team scores are matched again with the fixtures obtained from www.football-data.org to generate final head to head results and bonus points .
- All team scores are in the TeamScores directory. Final results in the Results directory.
- vccount.py has a gw parameter that needs to be set. It parses all files of gameweeks from 1 to the gw parameter and lists occurrence of each player as a vice captain as kv pair. This works similar to the 'wordcount' algorithm.