A consistent hashing library for Clojure that can be used to allocate resources to different servers. If any server goes down or a new one is added there is a minimum impact on existing resources as they are mapped consistently to the servers.
Based on Ketama algorithm by Karger, et al.
Getting via Leiningen
[ketamine "1.0.0"]
(require '[ketamine.core :as ketama])
;; let's define a consistent hash ring with some servers
(def chash (atom (ketama/make-ring [""
;; let's figure out where the resource named "resource-1" should go
(ketama/get-node @chash "resource-1")
;;=> ""
;; what about "resource-142"?
(ketama/get-node @chash "resource-142")
;;=> ""
;; and "resource-1kajillion"?
(ketama/get-node @chash "resource-1kajillion")
;;=> ""
;; now "" goes down, so let's remove it from the ring
(swap! chash ketama/remove-node "")
;; let's add a new server to the ring
(swap! chash ketama/add-node "")
;; so where should "resource-142" go now?
(ketama/get-node @chash "resource-142")
;;=> "" ; OK
;; and what about the other resources?
(ketama/get-node @chash "resource-1")
;;=> ""
(ketama/get-node @chash "resource-1kajillion")
;;=> ""
;; Voila! Consistent hashing ftw.
Pull requests are more than welcome! Namasté.
See also
clojurewerkz/chash is another library which does the same thing albeit with a different API. I had no clue about this library when I was writing Ketamine, hence the NIH. Oh well...
Copyright © 2013 Baishampayan Ghose
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.