
TikTok Clone app with MERN ( MongoDB Express React Node ) Stack

TikTok Clone With MERN ( MongoDB Express React Node)

Demo Picture


Project Setup

## Quick Start

# Clone the application
$ git clone https://github.com/kirankumargonti/tiktok-clone.git

# Install dependencies
$ npm install

# Serve on localhost:5000
$ npm run dev

1. Backend

2. Frontend

  • Naviagte to axios.js file which is located in tiktok directory
  • src/Components/axios.js
  • update baseURL with your heroku application url

    # Install dependencies
    $ npm install

    # Serve on localhost:3000
    $ npm start

    # Build for production
    $ npm run build

# Install firebase tools
$ npm install -g firebase-tools

# Login to firebase
$ firebase login

# Initialize your firebase project
$ firebase init

# Important Steps
    - Use an existing project
    - What do you want to use as  your public directory?
    - Configure as a single-page app 
      (rewrite all urls to /index.html)? Yes
    - File build/index.html already exists. Overwrite? No

# Deploy to firebase
$ firebase deploy

For more information refer firebase docs
